

There are all kinds of seats to sit in.


However, if we had a choice of three- the hot seat, the common everyday routine seat, or the money seat- which would you sit in?

I would sit in the money seat as the money seat would generously aid me in whatever everyday routine that may be common to me while the hot seat could get even hotter when I sit my ass in it.




Braids can be a lovely style of adornment to the head of hair.

I used to like when my hair was put into French braids in my youth- the look is very becoming in adults too.

I learned to bread around nine years of age through observing others then practicing on my doll heads.

Later in life I began to braid hair for others- some even paid me to do their hair.

Someone had recommended I do braiding on the side during my twenties to make extra money but that really was not my thing I would only braid hair for certain people when they asked as a special favor to them while they were nice enough to compensate me for my time.









A Heart To Heart ❤


It is so important to take care of the heart and to keep those arteries as clean as possible.

Some people are genetically predisposed to have coronary events and one never knows when a heart attack or stroke may strike.

It does not matter what age we are it all depends on how we treat and care for our bodies by eating the proper foods, doing suitable exercise, getting significant rest, refraining from toxic substances which in the short term or long run cause harm or premature death, and avoiding unnecessary situations that can or will cause stress.

Go to the doctor for regular check-ups, always inquire them to further investigate anything that seems abnormal/out of range where health professionals may overlook or not pick up right away or at all.

Get second opinions on things too if need be.

We cannot afford to let the beats of our lives conk out on us. We must keep that clock ticking for as long as the beat goes on!





An associate gave me a ride home this evening.

As we rode in her car, she brought up UFOs and how if they are up there in space somewhere to have peeked down here on us that they probably think us humans to be crazy.

I told her I believe in the “possibility” of aliens or extraterrestrial life on other planets.

I laughed and told her if they do think that we are crazy I understand. I also mentioned that we probably look weird to them the way they appear to us.

I concluded that they may not go around killing one another and other violent or negative things of the such that are done here on earth.

She added that the aliens do not want to come to live down here with us as they are perfectly at peace where they are at.

Well, if they truly exist they need to stay right there in space where they are at!

We both laughed then moved on with our chat.

Last Night: The Evening Before Christmas Eve 🎄


People were active and about last night, crowds in the stores doing last minute shopping for Christmas dinner, Christmas presents, and whatever else.

It was cold and windy out, but I braved through the brutal temperatures to pick up extra food and toiletries to cover me for the weekend.


The Chimney Gave It Away!


As a child, and far before my time, parents told their children about Santa Claus as well as the tooth fairy.

The tooth fairy I never believed in as the concept made no sense.

I liked the idea and the impersonations of Santa’s at school or at the mall. The actors on television, the animations that portrayed Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Santa’s elves and Santa’s reindeer- I mean who did not love Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?

But when it came to the story of Santa Claus being real, I had my doubts.

I wanted to believe he was real as a kid; however, things just did not add up for me.

Number one, Santa was too heavy for the reindeer to carry his sleigh- and what was there to keep the reindeers able to fly up into the air?

Number two, we did not have a chimney in my family home so where was Santa Claus going to slide down?

It all sounded good for imaginary fun or entertainment, nevertheless, the notion was not easy for me to agree with even at a young age.

I decided to test what I had been told. On Christmas eve I sat up in the two front attic windows of my home before midnight. When midnight came, I did not see Santa, his sleigh, or reindeers loaded with gifts making their way over my neighbors’ rooftops.

I said to myself, “He’s not coming”, Santa Claus’s not showing up a confirmation to the doubts I already had.

After I made my way from the attic steps outside the door, my youngest aunt had said to me inside the hallway, “Toya- there isn’t any Santa Claus”.

My mother laughed when I informed her about my investigation and ended her humor with “Your nosey little butt up in that window”.

It was better for me to know the truth anyhow because it was more exciting for me as a child to have my own parents buy me gifts than to have some old guy who flew in the sky.

Fresh And Natural


Women in general, are not nasty vessels that need to be fumigated.

I remember the commercials back in the day targeting women about “not feeling so fresh”.

The media often exaggerated or skipped over facts in order to sell a product. They never expressed the truth about how a healthy woman’s vagina is naturally cleaner than any human mouth that contains teeth and gums.

While douching is not necessary for all women as the vagina naturally cleanses itself, some women do need a little help down there depending on how their body chemistry is, or the lifestyle they live.

Of course, washing and keeping up personal hygiene is important; however, mild vaginal odors are a natural occurrence in some women at certain times. It is perfectly normal.

There are some women who carry no odor at all sometimes.

Then there are the women with very strong vaginal odors that may signify infection or plain rottenness.

Men have their situations too. A lot of them are quite musky by nature.

They sweat behind the balls (testicles) and do not always properly wipe their anus after taking a dump and reek of feces and funk.

An Herbal Delight: Lemon And Ginger Tea



I had a hot cup of lemon and ginger tea yesterday at work.

It was the Bigelow Organic Steep Lemon Ginger Tea brand.

The beverage was potent with natural ginger, giving the tea a peppery taste, yielding the pleasant bursts of vibrant lemon flavor.

I love it when my herbal tea literally tingles the tune of tasty nutrition.

So nice to the spice!







The Best Times To Feed Our Dogs?

If we were to directly ask our dogs when is the best time they’d like to eat I am sure their response would be, “Anytime is just fine with me!”- latoya lawrence 


I do not want to generalize because dogs all have their own dispositions and distinct preferences just as us people do.

However, I am pretty sure that if most dogs had it their way, they would be ready to eat all day long if we allowed them to.

So, while pet owners have various types of personal relationships with their dogs- some strict, some lenient, some a bit of both, some who just take natural moments of love, care, patience and attentiveness as they come.

Everyone does not tend to feed their dog on a precise day to day schedule, or even three times a day.

Some people feed their dogs throughout the day.

All that matters is what works out best for the pet, their owners, or the family.

If the dogs are being fed a healthy diet with portions suitable to their requirements everything should be fine.

One dog of mine would always get fed regular meals yet still make rounds in the house to other family members for extras.

I remember occasionally her belly would be so full that we could see it, and we would laugh and joke about how she hustled additional food from everybody.

Once she was satisfied, she went and nonchalantly rested her body in total contentment.

This was a healthy dog who ate table food and lived for a long time.





Doorbusters And Everyday Deals


When I regularly worked in retail we had sales advertised just about every day- latoya lawrence 

Well, today, many around different states took, and are still taking advantage of the after- holiday, next-day holiday sales, to lure eager customers into emptying their loads of wallets and pocketbooks.

I am glad to not be a part of that notorious hustle and bustle.

There is nothing wrong with shopping from time to time or shopping frequently if one can afford to spend.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with treating oneself.

I am one into wise shopping when I take part and indulge.

It is good to pick up items ahead of time at a low price to store up things that we need for later use.

This action saves one money and gives way to better convenience and financial budgeting.

Happy Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is a day celebrated once every year.

A time of gathering for family and friends to spend quality time with one another and to enjoy the feast at a table giving thanks for everything that they fortunately have.

I stopped officially celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas around the age of twelve along with certain other holidays.

To me, they were just ordinary days that were commercialized.

Like I have said many times before- every day is a day to be thankful.

Christmas is really in honor of the birth of Jesus, not a day symbolized to give out and to receive presents.

Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus not a day to acknowledge the relation of any “bunny”.

Nevertheless, Thanksgiving serves a purpose.

Not the purpose in the design of false stories of history or for profit, but for the purpose of a reminder.

A reminder to always be grateful and to show gratitude to God.







A Lack Of Vitamin D


I had a routine visit to my doctor a week ago.

Everything was good, all the bloodwork came back normal as usual. I am just getting over my cough from my bronchitis acting up.

The only problem the doctor informed me about is that my vitamin D levels are low.

This is nothing new for me and many others. Most of us have vitamin D deficiency.

Years ago, one of my other primary care doctors prescribed vitamin D for me but I did not take it because it was animal derived.

There was a time when I did take Vitamin D2, which is the vegan kind, ergocalciferol.
I used to buy Country Life brand.

It was hard for me to find Vitamin D2 with ingredients that I preferred. Country Life have made changes to quite a few of their supplements, so I do not use them anymore.

I have seen Vitamin D3 advertised on the market in vegan form. However, I will stick with D2 because I know for sure it is plant-form and not animal derived.

Since us vegans do not consume dairy, we may not get enough calcium and vitamin D.

I do not take calcium supplements as some can be dangerous and lead to atherosclerosis due to the calcium not properly being absorbed, etc….

I love spinach and other leafy-green vegetables.

In fact, I gobbled down on some kale, collard greens, chopped spinach, and broccoli a week and a half ago as I ate a helping of each for dinner, evening after evening.

Certain vegetables do contain sufficient amounts of calcium, although it may not be enough if not eaten on a regular basis, or not adequate due to other factors in regard to an individual.


A Pain In The Behind!


Out and about, enjoying your day.

You are your usual outgoing, easy going or carefree self- living it up, doing it up, or just having it up your way!

There is no time for the discomfort and sensation of burning, itchy, painful hemorrhoids that may sometimes rupture and bleed.

Such a bummer to one’s day!

I cannot remember the last time I had or delt with a reoccurring hemorrhoid thanks to the benefits of Turmeric, other supplements, and certain eating habits.

Though, aside from the force of strain within bowel movements during constipation, hemorrhoids can also be triggered by hormonal changes in women during pregnancy or a menstrual cycle.



I cannot determine that I will never experience another hemorrhoid ever again as our bodies are apt to go through changes regarding particular circumstances, however, I have been doing quite well and the same can be said for others who may have found their own “health magic” due to the trick for whatever agrees with them.

Suppositories suck sometimes as they may initially work then lose their potency only to make the situation worse.

I never tried the medicated cloth wipes yet I would not want to have to continuously apply- instead of just having a natural reliable fix.

Vitamin supplements do indeed work one just has to find the right quality kind. Herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables work as well.

When specific ones are all used within combination the results can be truly amazing!





When I arrived home this evening, I took the most relieving and relaxing poop.

I do not understand why some are embarrassed to discuss a bowel movement as it is a very natural and cleansing activity.



To comfortably excrete waste is therapeutic to the body.

I enjoy taking a dump, it feels so good and refreshing.


Choose Your Circle Wisely


There are people who hide behind their smiles. One never knows what is truly on their mind.

They disguise themselves as friends when they are really strangers.

I heard it said that a stranger is just a friend we have not yet met.

However, if one was to ask me, I would tell them: A friend “unknown” to me is a stranger I would never want to meet. While a stranger who I do “recognize” is one I have already met.  

Don’t judge by the frown turned upside down, judge by the inside turned outside in.latoya lawrence 



A Common Mental Illness


When I was in my twenties, I heard it said that there is a little jealousy within everybody. I highly disagree with that concept.

Those people who feel that way speak for themselves.

Everyone is not envious or jealous, I know this for a fact as I have never been the jealous type. If anything, I have always had others who were envious or jealous of me.

There are too many people in the world for this to apply to all. Everyone does not have a little jealousy within them.

Possibly most, or a great deal do in some way, but definitely not all.

Jealousy makes people crazy. Unhealthy Jealousy is indeed a sickness.

There are people in the world who can be sick without being jealous- and jealous without being sick. It all depends on the individual and the nature of the situation.

For the most part, when people are sick and jealous, they act out. People who are jealous do not want to hear good things about those who they are jealous of. They will either downplay one or make up lies about them for their own purpose and satisfaction.

Some do not want to see the people they are jealous of get ahead in life. They do the best they can to try to hold them back.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with admiration which is a completely different thing, or even a healthy jealousy that may motivate one to want to achieve higher for themselves or do better in whatever they want to improve on.

It is constructive to turn a potentially negative incentive into a positive manifestation.

When it concerns the extreme as we know envy and jealousy can result into murder. One killing another or completely destroying another over their discontentment and resentment for the quality of character- or material items they may possess.

Morbid jealousy has many definitions and it is definitely a form of mental illness.





Laughter is indeed the best medicine. A remedy to many situations.

I am talking about genuine amusement and lightheartedness.

Not an act of charade or a phony display of spiritedness.

I come from a family of naturally humorous people and we never tried to be funny.

Of course, what is comical to one or a few is not comical to all as everyone has their own individuality.

Yet, we were one’s who could see and find the humor within the most so called tragic of situations.

We also viewed the brighter, meaningful side of things realistically.

There was literally never a day that went by where my mother and I never laughed or joked around with one another.

Our family members made us laugh, we even laughed at ourselves.

There is a difference between being silly and having a healthy sense of humor.

Mindless, foolish, stupidity is not my idea of hilarity. It is just pure nonsense.

It is very important to not take things too seriously, but know what to take serious if it applies.

Have fun when one can. Enjoy life in the way that appeals to one.

Never let anyone or anything steal away the joy one has inside.




Allude To The Mood


Depression is normal. Everyone feels down once in a while about something at some point in life.

There are circumstances that may affect one’s mood and when those trying, or unfavorable situations come to an end or get better their mood usually tends to improve.

For certain others depression is clinical. A chemical imbalance that may need to be stabilized with medication.

Some people who do not have imbalances sometimes require a prescription for anti-depressants.

A lot of these medications do more harm to the body than good turning some people into zombie-like characters.

People should not be experimented on within this manner. Harsh pharmaceutical drugs are not the perfect remedy.

Instead, each person should be evaluated thoroughly on an individual level.

There are nuts, though, walking around on the street who have not been diagnosed who actually do need medicine.

Doctors who are impetuous often assume, generalize, and do not take into consideration the variety of factors as to why one may shift emotionally.

Medication should be a last resort.

Getting down to the underlying issue through communication, understanding, open-mindedness, patience and personal healing (whatever that may be) is what is key.





Womb Care: A Personal Inspiration


My mother and I had a very close relationship.

She could share almost anything with me and I could share just about everything with her.

One thing she revealed to me years ago when I was a teen or in my early twenties is that she never had sex while she was pregnant with me.

My mother said anything like that was out of the question. She explained her feelings and reasons why. None of which had to do with religion or anything of that nature.

I felt my mother gave me the “ultimate respect” within the womb.

I even feel the exact same way for personal reasons of my own.

If I was sexually active and got pregnant, I would not let a man touch me either.

I am in no way judging or criticizing women who do have sex while they are pregnant.

It is purely a natural preference, a trait within our own distinction my mother and I had.

I know there are definitely other females out there in the world who are similar.

We are a people of all kinds, and uniqueness.



I am fully vaccinated yet I still continue to wear a mask at all times when I am out and at work.

It doesn’t bother me if others choose not to wear a mask.

To each his or her own.

In the beginning of the covid crisis when everyone was panicking, I hated wearing a mask. I only started to wear them when it became mandatory.

Now that everything has calmed down, and masks are no longer a requirement within all places as they once were, I have gotten used to wearing them since it’s been so long.

I, of course, still hang the mask down to my chin regularly to breath clear air. The masks can be rather suffocating at times.

I have never had Covid (thank goodness), hopefully, one day there will be no more mask-wearing at all in regard to Covid precautions, and no more susceptibility to it.