Junk Food Diet And Childhood Obesity

When I was a very young child, before I became a vegan, junk food was not a regular part of my household diet. Yes, I had Burger King, Mc Donald’s, pizza, ice cream, sweets, and potato chips from time to time, but a steady habit was never made out of eating those particular foods.

I was a well-fed child raised on home-cooked vegetables, fruit, meats, poultry and seafood such as lamb chops, cube steak, meat loaf, stew beef and potatoes, chicken, turkey and certain types of fish.

My mother kept me healthy and I was slim in size within proportion, and within accordance to my age and specific nutritional needs.

To each his or her own, however, it is not wise for parents or guardians over young children to allow them to constantly indulge within the routine of consuming unhealthy junk foods on a regular basis.

Lifestyle behaviors as these promote overall ill-health, including serious ailments like heart disease and diabetes early on or later in life. Some may even be prone to eventual premature death.

A diet poor in nutritional value and high in fat will also contribute to obesity.

No child should lay around to constantly spend all or most of their day lazy and inactive from exercise to just desire a continuous appetite for food.

Fruit For The Spirit: Crucial For Life

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. -Philippians 1:6

Just as our bodies need vital nutrients to sustain our physical health we need the essential nourishment of the mind, spirit, and soul as well. But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” -Matthew 4:4

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. -John 15:4-5

Get encouraged and motivated by inspiration that will enrich your daily walk in life with my scripture and faith based self-written devotionals.

God has prompted me through the holy spirit to utilize my talent of writing to share and spread the message of hope, truth, and salvation to all who are called.

I also share my life experiences and encounters through all seven of my websites/blogs through the gifts, wisdom and knowledge bestowed to me as I travel through as a sojourner on this earth.

This world will eventually come to pass. Until then, let us be prepared and ready to store up treasures for ourselves in heaven.

We are not to live for this temporary life here on the present earth, but for the new Kingdom to come.

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!
“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money. “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear.
Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?
Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.
And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’
These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:19-34



I understand the situation with the intent of preserving our environment, however, this no plastic bags handed out for grocery packaging at the supermarkets is annoying and ridiculous to me.

I remember back in March or April earlier this year when the situation first went into effect, making everything so inconvenient, as we customers were instructed to bring our own recyclable bags.

We were all warned ahead of time through the media, yet I was holding out hope that the circumstance would eventually be overturned.

To my delight, I noticed certain supermarkets began reissuing out the plastic grocery bags to collect our items in again. The pleasantry last for a good while, nevertheless, I noticed not too long ago now the markets have repeated the action of not handing out the plastic bags to sell us all- mostly cheap quality- paper bags that usually tear apart before one can even get their groceries home.

Life is already hard within this fallen world. Particular authorities in government tend to continue to make some things harder than what they actually have to be.



Unsanitary/Sanitary Practices

I’m a germaphobe to a certain extent.

I don’t touch outside doorknobs, hold onto transportation poles, press elevator buttons, or use ATM machines without holding onto a tissue or piece of paper towel within the process, environments are just too nasty and hazardous.

I’ve seen people sneeze into their hand then use that same hand to swipe their metro cards into the same apparatus as everybody else.

There was a woman who went to kiss a male associate right after giving another man a blow job, if he hadn’t been warned ahead of time of her actions by others who were present, bodily remnants of seminal fluids would have lingered onto his face or mouth.

Long before I ever worked in the health care field I took extra precautions. I always kept my body and hands clean, I never let people or strangers freely kiss on me, and I carried disinfectant wipes or tissues/paper towels with me constantly.

I never sat on public toilets without placing toilet tissue or disposable toilet covers over the seats, I do the same upon using the toilets in peoples homes. I don’t take any chances in this day and age.

I watched a lady client of mine years ago dip her hand down into her pants, and literally scratch her pubic area, she then used that same unwashed hand to use her telephone. The exact telephone I had to clock in and out on to verify my attendance and scheduled assignments.

I didn’t touch anything within her home without wearing vinyl, latex, or nitrile gloves back then, and that is the genuine truth.



Bullying doesn’t just only happen amongst children, many adults bully, and go through the oppression and torment of other domineering adults.

I don’t understand the intimidation and submission as I’ve never let anyone bully me with bullshit, the notion is very inconceivable to my logical reasoning.

I’m the extremely stubborn type, born under the zodiacal sign Taurus, no one could ever persuade me to do anything I didn’t want to do, or to go along with, I dared anybody in general to coerce me. They’d deeply regret it.

As a child, when I was in the fifth grade, I remember a girl by the name of Sandrine Adams. She was of Caribbean descent, and she was black and bruisy-looking, ugly and doofy.

She, with the help of unnatural circumstances, that was negatively occurring around me at the time, turned all of the other children within our classroom against me in order to scare me into joining her group of “colored kids”.

I, of course, refused as I would not subject myself to one ethnic group of children simply because I was also a shade of brown skin.

My mother had bused me out to a predominantly caucasian elementary school to learn at my high pace with all different spectrum of nationalities and ethnicities, not to be subjugated and segregated.

Who was this disturbed fellow student trying to divide up other students, and why were other children within her influence following behind her? The audacity had really pissed me off, and the situation had me all the more determined to stand, and hold my own ground.

I wasn’t a passive kid.

The need to control and to harass other people, especially at such a young age, stems from insecurities and/or mental issues arising from deep within.

Bad Bodily Odors


One doesn’t have to work in the medical field or as a caregiver to come across some of the worst odors.

We often smell a lot of funk through out everyday life depending where we’re at and who we are around.

It’s just those of us who’ve held jobs within a healthcare setting tend to and are more prone to encounter bad hygiene at an enormous rate as our workplaces cater primarily to people and wellness issues.

An array of individuals commonly walk through the doors and occupy residence at hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.

Us people who undertake caregiver roles deal with people constantly all day long on a day to day basis with all type of conditions and ailments and are bound to definitely come into contact with notorious odor.

I remember how once, before I ever thought about working in the medical/ healthcare field, my mother and I were inside the emergency room of a hospital when this bum came in drooling from the mouth with a tall can of beer.

After he’d sat and been there for a while, a female medical technician who’d entered the lobby of the place from time to time finally went to respond to him.

Once she fully observed him and paid more attention to him she noticed his behavior, appearance, and the can of beer he had brought in with him.

The medical technician turned to look at my mother and I and said “Why didn’t you tell me he had a can of beer? She then said aloud, “Oh great, now I’m going to have to deal with his stinking feet”.

I internally sympathized with her because she seemed like a decent person of substance.

With all of this lady’s experience and familiarity within her field of work she knew just by looking at the man what she was in for by having to attend to him that evening.

Some people’s feet smell so bad that it’s impossible to get the odor out of fabrics.

There was a guy who came to my house once and he had his bare feet resting against the carpet of the room.

The odor had gotten trapped into the carpet and no matter how much I vacuumed the odor wouldn’t leave or fade away I even tried sprinkling baking soda to kill the smell and that was useless.

I ended up having to eventually pull up the carpet to throw it away.

I’ve also been in a house with a guy who’s odor was so bad the funk had gotten embedded within the mattress and he was well aware of the problem as he told me he had tried everything from ammonia to drive away the smell yet it was still set in.

These occurrences are nothing new.

I remember a neighbor of mine had to throw away her upholstered chair on account of another female neighbor who had smelled it up so bad.

A relative of mine had to throw away an article of clothing she had loaned to one of her great-nieces because her underarms had stunk up the material and ruined the chance of her ever wearing the item again.

There are so many experiences I could share too many to write about, stories in which would make one holler, “Woo!”



I’ve never smoked. I never had the desire to, and I don’t ever plan to.

Everyone within the home I grew up in smoked.

It is a nasty habit and one in which is quite addictive to the point of some individuals lighting and trying to get a drag from the filter of a cigarette butt.

The act of puffing on a stem of tobacco loaded with harmful additives made no sense to me.

The smoke from cigarettes is annoying to me as it goes up my nostrils to burn and to interrupt my breaths of clean, fresh air. It’s bad enough we have to inhale the pollutants and toxins within the outdoor air I didn’t need to inhale the poison in my home too.

These chemicals such as nicotine and the like sneak and get inside our bodies without us even using or indulging in the substance.

My doctor found a touch of nicotine in my urine once and she told me it was from second hand smoke. I was so disgusted.

When I smell people smoking drugs such as marijuana or cess I get sick to my stomach and sometimes have to take a poop as my body is stimulated to release out the toxins I had caught a whiff from.

I’m not knocking anyone who smokes I just don’t understand the point within doing so.


Interracial Couples/Relationships


If some people date and get married outside of their race who cares?

How does it affect the lives of others except for those who are negative and don’t know how to unjustifiably stay out of other peoples business.

I’d be more concerned about an undesirable mating with someone of substance, regardless of whatever race they are from because trash and degenerate people come within all colors, ethnicities, and nationalities, as this is a significant factor to mess up the bloodline.

Those are the type and kinds of people who need to stick with their own kind.

It shouldn’t be about color or race, but about one’s level and mentality, one’s character and dignity.

If specific people are able to relate to one another, love and respect one another, they have every right to peacefully join together with each other, whether in friendship or within companionship.

In reality, there will always be individuals who stubbornly hold their prejudices and cause friction on account of their hatred or intolerance yet it shouldn’t hinder anyone from being with who they want, being who they are, and living how they want to live.


Same Sex Couples


We almost cannot say gay, lesbian, or homosexual, or anything anymore because so many people are taking offense to certain labels and remarks whereas many others of us don’t mean any harm.

People are getting into trouble for just voicing their opinions and truths and some of this nonsense has gone too far.

This “me too” movement and the recognition of intolerance for discrimination against all category of people is indeed great, however, some people need to cool down and at the same time don’t start to take away our freedom of speech within the long run.

People are scared to speak on certain things due to the fact they could lose everything depending on what position and what area of employment and life they’re situated in.

Nevertheless, I’ll continue to speak my mind.

I don’t care who has sexual relations with who. Whether it is two men together, two women together, a man and a woman together, or people who are bisexual and go both ways.

I could care less as their lifestyle and the nature in which some of them were born has absolutely nothing to do with me or my life.

I’ve never had any personal negative feelings towards them. They are regular people just like everyone else who have their own preferences. I like individuals who are different and this is a versatile world.

I’m asexual, and proud to be, and one should be proud of who they are, and able to live in peace. I judge people by their character not by their ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Why people are hostile toward gays, lesbians, and transgender is beyond me. What they do and how they live their life should not matter to anyone if they are not bothering anyone and are not a danger to society. And, anyone can be a danger to society regardless of their sexuality.

People going around hating, assaulting, and killing other people simply because they are not heterosexual is ridiculous.

Candy Crush

Sweet, Delicious, Divine, Tasty!


I’ve been playing Candy Crush for about almost a week now and as I mentioned in the first post I wrote titled Candy Crush Saga I got irritated with having to wait over an hour to regain back the five lives in which it takes to resume the game.

The instance is annoying especially when I have a good game going and want to keep moving on.

Already in such a short time that I have engaged I’ve found a way to play continuously over and over again as long as I want and until I get tired without having to upgrade or purchase any extra lives thanks to a tip I read about and that really works!

Like I said before within the last post, Candy Crush is a very cute and delightful game though I’d never unnecessarily spend or waste any money just to gain more trivial entertainment.

I just use the tip I came across to obtain more lives and not to skip any of the levels because I like and enjoy the challenge of conquering the sometimes difficult points on my own no matter how many times I have to do over until I reach to the next higher stage.

I’ve reached to level 71 so far within these few days and the game cracks me up inside with the flavorful vocal and animated gestures. It’s a great way to kill some time and enhance my strategy at fun with Candy Crush.

Candy Crush Saga Indeed


Of course, I had heard of the game Candy Crush Saga, however, I had never played it and wasn’t at all interested in playing the game.

It wasn’t until recently this past week that I first tried it out.

In my youth, it was the arcade and atari video games Miss Pac Man which held my attention, along with centipede, and other fun shit. Years ago, it was Diner Dash. I had played once in a while on my computer as it was so cute and a entertaining way to occupy some time, and then Diner Dash 2 came out.

I even re-lived playing Miss Pac Man on my computer back then.

Now, I did actually find Candy Crush delightful yet I have to agree with senator Josh Hawley in an article I read about the tech industry luring children to snare money by having them pay for continued plays and upgrades.

I have to admit as an adult I was getting pretty pissed off when I lost my lives a few times and had to wait over twenty minutes “each” to gain each of my five lives back in order to play again which took over an hour. If I wanted to get past that, of course, I’d have to pay for several unlimited hours of playtime, and I refused to spend money only to unnecessarily add up for such a trivial purpose.

Candy Crush Saga is very cute and fun to play and it’s a challenging rush climbing up to the higher levels with more speed, but it ain’t cute and fun enough to make me want to shell out my sweet dough and let it all go to waste. No thank you!

It could actually lead to addictive behavior and gambling in some children as they’d be anxious and impatient to play Candy Crush and other so called free games then wiping out their parents pockets without first getting their permission.


Singer Prince And Society’s Veneration


The radio station is still continuing to celebrate The Purple Man’s life throughout the weekend since his birthday was yesterday.

People keep reminding the public that Prince didn’t celebrate his birthday because he was a Jehovah’s Witness. One female dee jay even praised Prince for having had to receive a sort of enlightenment from “above” for the instance.

I was twelve years old when I stopped celebrating my birthday and I was born with a Caul/Veil. I became a vegetarian at that age also, and I knew what life was all about back then as I avoided partaking in the so called “worldly things” of society as I had no desire to, and I’m forty-four now and have so much peace.

Many of us have already experienced revelations, have known things, and have lived accordingly to our spiritual alignments far before mainstream society became aware or fully aware of particular things, before the media reported findings or developments of certain things, and before many famous people came to know and incorporate circumstances into their own lives, yet because these people are in the limelight they receive special credit when all along there were people like us at earlier stages within our lives who were the ones to make the same discoveries.

I am not at all knocking Prince, nevertheless, I also have to mention that if Prince was a woman he would not be receiving all of this favorable attention and celebration as he had once lived a scandalous lifestyle. As sexually promiscuous and provocative as Prince was during his early days on up to the point where it eventually haunted him he would never have gotten so far with approval.

Of course, he had haters and those who weren’t fans of his just like others because everyone has their own preferences and taste, however, if Prince was female he would have been called every derogatory name in the book, and considered unacceptable to be revered in such a positive way for his talents and achievements.

If a woman behaved in the manner in which Prince did the instance would not have literally taken anything from her. She’d still have all of her faculties whether mental or physical but with the ridiculous double standard all her value would have just been focused on how many times she used her vagina and with how many different men.

To me, there is no difference because I am realistic. It is not always what someone does it is why they do what they do that justifies or excuses the situation.

I don’t care what anyone does with their body as it is of no concern to me, though, a man, in my opinion, who has many sexual escapades and encounters is not someone that is projected as maintaining his worth in comparison to a woman who is suppose to lose her’s within my eyes.

I am one who never went along with society’s bullshit and what is deemed as acceptable or appropriate.

This society is in no position and does not have the knowledge or authority to define what it is to be a woman and what contributes to her value and worth as only an individual within her own is able to define her own true identity.– miss latoya



The Purple Man

I am not at all the starstruck type, never was, and I never will be. To me individuals who are famous are just that-well known people-who are just mere human beings with popular notoriety.

The Doves are not crying as they reign in peace-miss latoya

Fame doesn’t mean greatness as there are many with talent, character, and ability, who have never been widely recognized. There are those who get too much unnecessary media attention and I don’t really understand what they’re famous for.

However, it is a dinner tempted in individuals nurtured by the hungers distributed within the “belly of the beast”.

Many get famous not by worth or accomplishment but by deed or advantage.

Some who are blessed don’t even want the fame just the fulfillment and fortune within their own natural passion and drive through answering the callings urged from the bestowals within their everyday lives.

Today is singer Prince’s birthday and as he is deceased his life is again being celebrated as a tribute to him by many.

The radio is sharing memories of him and playing many of his hits. One of my favorite songs of Prince is “Raspberry Beret”.

In my opinion, Prince had a very unique style, was very talented, and made a lot of great music.

News Report From BBC: Desperate And Ridiculous Man

Man dies on plane after ingesting 246 cocaine bags

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A map showing Hermosillo in Mexico's Sonora state

A Japanese man has died on a flight from Mexico City after ingesting 246 bags of cocaine.

The flight, bound for Japan’s Narita International Airport, had to make an emergency landing in Mexico’s Sonora state after he began to have seizures.

Authorities said the man, identified as Udo N, died of a cerebral oedema caused by a drug overdose.

The passenger transferred to the flight after starting his journey in the Colombian capital Bogotá.

According to a statement by Sonora’s attorney general, the bags – measuring 2.5cm long and 1cm wide – were found in his stomach and intestines during the autopsy.

The remaining 198 passengers aboard were able to continue their journey after the emergency landing in the city of Hermosillo.

Mexico’s federal authorities will take over the investigation.


Full Figured Women


I come from a family of women that are within all sizes. Some are petite, some are average, and some are heavy.

My relatives are native southerners rooted in Meadville Virginia (Halifax County) and they weren’t ashamed of anything. The women were strong and independent and very hard and good workers. They didn’t get vexed by nonsense and persevered through grave times.

Weight had never been an issue with the women on my mother’s side of the family they weren’t self conscious about anything concerning their bodies. And I relate to them so well within mindset.

Often in general, there is talk among and about many women as well as men who are overweight, plump, or even considered too skinny. I never understood the degree in which some individuals place themselves in as well as others.

I and the particular members of my family would neither desire nor attempt to meet anyone’s criteria of what their appearance should resemble. Approval depends on no one but us and within our own selves and to our own liking. We weren’t the type to seek out acceptance from anyone including the world around us.

I can see if ones weight is a problem due to health matters and ease of comfort and the such but for mere public opinion I don’t see it. If one is happy with oneself that is pounds enough to carry around proudly.

The heavy women in my family were literally beautiful. They kept themselves neat and clean with stern and pleasant attitudes and confidently wore their weight well.



For The Love Of Books


With all of the technology out there I’m someone who still appreciates the pleasure of holding a book in my hand.

As an avid reader of all sorts when it comes to my favorite interests in novels I prefer admiring the jacket of a paperback illustration, taking my time out to search through the aisles of a book store to read the back covers, and skim over the pages upon deciding the perfect choice of my particular selections.

Online reading is a great and convenient option and resource for all, however, I love the old fashion way too and hope hand-held books are here to stay during this vast computer age.

I’m not into ebook reading when it comes to novels. I like to lay comfortably in bed turning the pages of a book that will keep me up all night and with anticipation or one that I just can’t put down for long. I just love that shit!

I remember B. Dalton bookstore and Borders Books and how they’re nolonger in business to shop at though we still have a Barnes And Noble to walk into.

What Is Asexual/Asexuality?

I am proud to be Asexual.

I was contacted by two online magazines a few years ago (about three years ago) as they considered my article regarding my asexuality as “powerful” and beneficial to other readers and I allowed one of them to use and publish my story. It was very nice to get that sort of recognition.

In a short summary:

As an asexual person myself I do not ,however, represent the attitudes that every or all asexuals have. I would never generalize anyone because we are all very different and have our own unique personalities, preferences, and views.

Nevertheless, us asexuals all do have a common trait. We lack a sexual interest and attraction to other people, regardless of what the sex is of the other person. Asexuality is not a form of lesbianism, homosexuality or bisexuality. Asexual means “without” sexuality.

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