Black Pepper: Spice It Up!


I never cook by adding salt. I love to add pepper to my preparations, though.

I love spice- yet not too much spice. Just enough to give a satisfying flavor to my tastebuds.

I enjoy the mild hotness of pepper by not over-sprinkling the spice into my various dishes.

Aside from livening up food, pepper offers us a few great benefits that serve our health to the fullest.


Transit Needs To Stop!🚍


Here today in New York it was announced that the MTA Metropolitan Transit Authority has planned to raise the fair again.

This goes for Buses, Subways, Toll fares and Long Island Railroad travel.



If anything, transportation fares should be reduced. They need to be going down instead of up!

Prices on everything as it is are already sky-high, exceeding the limits of people’s pocket books.

Soon the entire cost of living will be too expensive for any of us to live by.


With A Cherry On TopπŸ’


Cherries are expensive at most places where they are purchased but they are a must-have during the times they are in season.

I am sure there are instances where this fruit that is grown under good harvest can be sold reasonably, especially when caught on sale.

Nevertheless, I would rather spend a few extra dollars on quality goods than those manufactured under poorly suited conditions.

Cherries are unique in taste.

Biting into them while sucking on their deliciously, luscious flesh to spit out their seeds is mildly addictive once begun into indulgence.

You cannot just eat one if you are a lover of them. Even though eating Cherries can get messy as their juice will tend to temporarily stain one’s fingertips as well as to permanently stain one’s clothing if one is not careful by spurting into them and spurting the seeds out.

Cherries are one of the many best tasting, beneficial fruits available here on earth.

Not only are they a treat to eat they invitingly decorate other desserts and drinks with their near heart-like shape, deep red color, and thin stem.


Mouthwash Antiseptic



From an adolescent into my mid-teens, I remember using Listerine mouthwash.

The original liquid germ eliminator and breath freshener that contained alcohol burned inside my mouth so bad it would bring tears to my eyes.

I loved the way it tingled- that fresh, clean, medicine-like hygienic taste and feel that Listerine left behind.

The mouthwash is nowhere near the potency of what once was.

Long gone is the Listerine I used to know.

The last time I goggled down Listerine years ago it tasted like a watered-down waste of money that did nothing for the mouth.

There was absolutely no pep to the product at all.

I do not know what happened but if people contacted the company in reference to the alcohol content in the Listerine which burned like hell causing the product to be reduced in ingredients, then that is unfair.

Some always spoil things for others.

I hate when companies change or alter their items on the preferences of the majority.

What about the minority who were satisfied with certain products just the way they were?

Why not make a mild and extra strength to please those on both ends.

Well, that is how it goes.

A lot of companies cater to the majority on account of making a profit.

I have never purchased Listerine again, and I never will if it is not the same Listerine I used to know and love back in the day.



Breyers New All-Vanilla Non Dairy Ice Cream🍦


Over the weekend, when I was in New Hyde Park, New York I went looking to purchase a half a gallon of Breyers Non-Dairy Vanilla and Peanut butter Swirl.

To my disappointment there were not any containers of the dessert stocked at all inside of the freezer for me to take on the way home.

Instead- to my surprise- was a load of new completely Vanilla-flavored Breyers Non-Dairy gallons of ice cream located on the shelves.

Breyers finally produced an all-Vanilla dairy-free alternative frozen dessert as I had long hoped for.

Despite the pleasantness I felt after thoroughly checking the ingredient list and nutritional facts on the item I was not too satisfied.

I left the Non-Dairy Breyers in the freezer to freeze by itself.

I am still curious of how the new product taste though.





Pine is one of nature’s natural delights.

Pine sol was a cleaning agent popular in my home growing up.



It is especially good for shining and use on wood aside from disinfecting other surfaces.

I enjoy cleaning with pine and I love the fresh smell it gives off, especially the lemon scented fragrance.




Enough For What Is Needed


I remember as a kid when my mother used the expression “You have a Champaign taste with a Kool-Aid pocketbook”.

We were not poor, but we were not rich either. We had our temporary normal days of drought from time to time, yet we always had what we needed to live comfortably.

We never went without thanks to God I know my mother would say.

My family ate good.

I do not currently eat expensively, but food can add up to be expensive when it comes to price. I know how to budget.

Just because I can afford something does not mean I will waste money on what I do not feel is necessary. I am not one who is into foolish splurge, though I do have elegant taste and choose nice, quality things.

I enjoy the pleasant dinners I prepare at home that are suitable to me. I do not put garbage into my body.

Cozy evenings, in front of the television set at peace while I eat.




There are all kinds of seats to sit in.


However, if we had a choice of three- the hot seat, the common everyday routine seat, or the money seat- which would you sit in?

I would sit in the money seat as the money seat would generously aid me in whatever everyday routine that may be common to me while the hot seat could get even hotter when I sit my ass in it.