Rice And Beans

Whether it’s kidney, pinto, white, navy, lima (green in particular), green (string beans), peas (black-eyed) or green (string beans) beans are a wonderful tasting high-protein food. They taste great alone or enhanced by other combined meals.

The most complimenting dish, of course, is the many variety of rice and bean preparations.

White, yellow, brown or red (mixed with tomato sauce) rice specifically dressed and spiced up in numerous flavorings set those beans and peas off fantastically, especially when beans and peas create a saucy textured gravy/infusion to additional combination foods when cooked to an extended tender.



Vegetable, Pasta, And Grain Meal Preparations

I had white rice and corn last night for dinner. I love rice and corn!

I sautéed the corn in a lovely sweet and tangy dressing before covering it over the rice. Corn tastes so good mixed in with rice; peas, beans, and broccoli also go delectably well with all types of rice.

Vegetables bring out the best in rice and I don’t normally eat my rice cooked with salt either. The vegetables themselves usually give my rice its own nice complimentary flavor.

Vegetables bring out the best in many other dishes too.

Vegan/vegetarian lasagna is also an inviting meal that could include broccoli and whatever other vegetables of choice that may add to a fabulous dinner. Lasagna pasta crafted and baked with broccoli, shrimp, and vegan cheese is another great idea for the ever-tempting appetite!

Some individuals even like spinach or numerous other types and blends of vegetables and/or tidbits in their vegan or vegetarian lasagnas.

Grains, pastas and vegetables are such great combination foods when designed together effectively.

Yellow Rice With Herbs And Spices

I cooked and ate three plates of yellow rice that I prepared earlier this afternoon.

I colored white rice naturally with turmeric spice. I added oregano, cumin, thyme, parsley, garlic, onion and plant butter to boil along with the rice to give it a flavor.

I didn’t put in any salt as some may prefer.

The yellow rice came out nice to my liking I love all kinds of rice anyway, even plain white rice. Brown rice tastes good too if seasoned and crafted well.

Next time I am going to mix some vegetables along with the dish. Green peas, corn, and broccoli taste great mixed with yellow rice and rice pilaf.


People that observed me, especially many within my work environment, have stated to me and others that “I eat very healthy”.

Even those who hadn’t been around me very long would mention and make reference to how I take care of myself.

It’s just the way I’ve always been at one time in my youth I had the desire to become a dietitian. My mother had even purchased a professional medical book on the subject to get me more informed and prepared if that was the field I decided to actually go into.

During my teenage years when my mother purchased my first Hamilton Beach juicer, not too long after, she bought me a book on juicing that included tons of detail and facts about fruits, vegetables, vitamins and how they utilize and how our constitutions benefit from them, and more.

My mother was always supportive and encouraging toward whatever I wanted to do.

Well-being is what’s in and it is delightful to point that out.

When I go to Whole Foods down at 59th Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York that place is constantly packed with people spending a small fortune on a host of befitting items. And I have been shopping at Whole Foods from time to time for years now.

Yesterday, I had a great tasting meal of white rice and beans with a savory sauce.

I like to put my own creative ideas together.

Later today, before I head to work, I’m going to prepare and fix myself a few plates of thin spaghetti noodles dressed in onion, garlic, oregano, rosemary, basil, a little pepper, and olive oil.