
I never considered myself an exercise person due to the fact that I don’t exercise.

Then, I had to remember and realize how walking is a major form of exercise that I’ve done frequently for quite most of my life.

I use to enjoy walking to a high degree so much that on days of beautiful spring and summer weather I’d walk home, and to a relatively long destination, instead of taking a cab or public transportation if the stroll was within a considerably reasonable distance and location for me to attain.

I don’t do arobics or stretches the only type of stretching I do is when I wake up in the morning or to flex when my limbs and body gets stiff or tired.

Nevertheless, I am very energetic and I get a workout from the exertion of my everyday activities, especially while I’m at work and constantly on the move.

So while some of us are not into the strenuous or disciplined acts of routine exercise we have the unintentional ability, and result, of being bodily toned and healthily fit simply by doing our regular movements through out each day.


Full Figured Women


I come from a family of women that are within all sizes. Some are petite, some are average, and some are heavy.

My relatives are native southerners rooted in Meadville Virginia (Halifax County) and they weren’t ashamed of anything. The women were strong and independent and very hard and good workers. They didn’t get vexed by nonsense and persevered through grave times.

Weight had never been an issue with the women on my mother’s side of the family they weren’t self conscious about anything concerning their bodies. And I relate to them so well within mindset.

Often in general, there is talk among and about many women as well as men who are overweight, plump, or even considered too skinny. I never understood the degree in which some individuals place themselves in as well as others.

I and the particular members of my family would neither desire nor attempt to meet anyone’s criteria of what their appearance should resemble. Approval depends on no one but us and within our own selves and to our own liking. We weren’t the type to seek out acceptance from anyone including the world around us.

I can see if ones weight is a problem due to health matters and ease of comfort and the such but for mere public opinion I don’t see it. If one is happy with oneself that is pounds enough to carry around proudly.

The heavy women in my family were literally beautiful. They kept themselves neat and clean with stern and pleasant attitudes and confidently wore their weight well.



Mind, Body, And Spirit

Food (any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth).

Our mind and spirit also need to be fed just as well as our bodies.

Harmonic alignment within personal environment promotes physical comfort, mental stimulation, and a spiritual peace which creates balance.

It is not about what is so-called normal as much as it is about what is healthy when going about individual well-being and how a person obtains fulfillment.

If we don’t pick out and wear the correct fit within accordance to our own specific foot size in proportion to area to breathe we just make the walk unnecessarily hard to bear.