Oh, Back Then!


I have wonderful memories of back in the day. People were even different than they are today.

Times have changed drastically. Things are nowhere near as they used to be.

I am glad I had a good childhood and grew up during the time/decade that I did.

I was born in the 70’s, came up in the early eighties to being able to leave our doors unlocked in the spring and summertime when us children would and could stay out all day long running/playing around our neighborhood without a care in the world.

Going back and forth to the store to buy goodies, going back and forth in and out of the house for whatever activity or sport we had come up with, or planned. Whether we had to get or take our bikes, hula-hoops, jump ropes, a bathroom break, a drink of water and whatever else tickled our fancy.

And to speak about getting water, us children used to take short cuts just to head to the backyard to splash and drink from the water hose!

Our parents did not constantly have to keep an eye on us- we ran free.

None of us were in danger of violence or any violent act happening, or committed upon us.

We knew to be cautious or careful, in general, but our lives were never in danger as are today with stray bullets flying, assaults, kidnappings, and the such.

All we worried about was not missing out on all our fun, having enough money to catch the ice cream truck on time when he came around, and hoping not to get called in the house too early after nightfall.

We loved to get the chance to stay out until 10pm or a little later enjoying those innocent fun-filled summer nights!


Transit Needs To Stop!🚍


Here today in New York it was announced that the MTA Metropolitan Transit Authority has planned to raise the fair again.

This goes for Buses, Subways, Toll fares and Long Island Railroad travel.



If anything, transportation fares should be reduced. They need to be going down instead of up!

Prices on everything as it is are already sky-high, exceeding the limits of people’s pocket books.

Soon the entire cost of living will be too expensive for any of us to live by.





Pine is one of nature’s natural delights.

Pine sol was a cleaning agent popular in my home growing up.



It is especially good for shining and use on wood aside from disinfecting other surfaces.

I enjoy cleaning with pine and I love the fresh smell it gives off, especially the lemon scented fragrance.






It was the mid 1980’s. The sun shined brightly. The usual two-and-a-half-month summer school recess was in effect.

Kids all around the neighborhood were either having fun or trying to find something to do to occupy themselves.

On my block when the day was a scorcher one of our neighbors would go get the sprinkler that he owned and had obtained through the police precinct.

He placed or screwed the device onto the fire hydrant that was in the middle part of our street near the curb.

All of us children had a delightful time running through the shower of water that heavily sprinkled over and across the center of the street.

Us children were in an environment, carefree- having wet and wild clean fun!



Everybody Needs A Break


I used to be on the go constantly at a time in my life not so long ago.

I have been to and have seen the loveliest places, homes, and attractions.

Pleasant visual outlooks have a positive emotional and mental impact amid the highlight of accounts experienced.

Environment is crucial.

As individuals, atmosphere is very important to the energy that surrounds us- or that can surround us.

Change is beneficial to our health of mind, state of being, and soul or spirit.

There is so much beauty within the serenity of nature.

Taking in scenery- inhaling breaths of fresh air.

It is vital to go places even if not too often- depending on the opportunity or scheduling one has.

Whether taking a trip around the world  (overseas), around the states, or around the areas of local to distant vicinities around and within one’s own hometown- it is always fabulous to get away.



Cleaning Supplies


Bending and stretching can seem like a strenuous workout while one is doing household cleaning.

I cleaned my bathroom today.

Nothing comes in handy the way Ajax/Comet and Brillo pads do!

They both get those tough, resistant stains out completely with steady force.

Clorox all purpose, Fantastic with a “k” at the end, Lysol and 409 cleaning and disinfectant sprays additionally help to do a great job too as I also had a few of them on hand!

My family always had Brillo pads and Comet in the house when I was growing up. My mother was fierce when it came to cleaning with these excellent supplies.



An associate gave me a ride home this evening.

As we rode in her car, she brought up UFOs and how if they are up there in space somewhere to have peeked down here on us that they probably think us humans to be crazy.

I told her I believe in the “possibility” of aliens or extraterrestrial life on other planets.

I laughed and told her if they do think that we are crazy I understand. I also mentioned that we probably look weird to them the way they appear to us.

I concluded that they may not go around killing one another and other violent or negative things of the such that are done here on earth.

She added that the aliens do not want to come to live down here with us as they are perfectly at peace where they are at.

Well, if they truly exist they need to stay right there in space where they are at!

We both laughed then moved on with our chat.

My Dollars Worth



While I am not interested or motivated by the inspired events of Black Friday, I do appreciate a good sale when it comes to grocery shopping.

Yesterday, I happened to check one of my local supermarket’s weekly online circulars as I do periodically to see if any of my favorite or useful household products were on sale, and I was in luck!

My local Stop and Shop was having a major blowout that began on Friday and will end this coming Thursday.

After work, I went and picked up some vegetables, fruits and other essential items at very affordable prices.


Doorbusters And Everyday Deals


When I regularly worked in retail we had sales advertised just about every day- latoya lawrence 

Well, today, many around different states took, and are still taking advantage of the after- holiday, next-day holiday sales, to lure eager customers into emptying their loads of wallets and pocketbooks.

I am glad to not be a part of that notorious hustle and bustle.

There is nothing wrong with shopping from time to time or shopping frequently if one can afford to spend.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with treating oneself.

I am one into wise shopping when I take part and indulge.

It is good to pick up items ahead of time at a low price to store up things that we need for later use.

This action saves one money and gives way to better convenience and financial budgeting.

Black Friday


It is good to take advantage of a sale or bargain when the opportunity presents itself.

Nevertheless, I was never one into the craze over Black Friday.

I never intentionally went shopping on that day, I never understood the impulse the draw had on many.

I worked at quite a few department stores and still was not tempted to hunt for a deal.



I hated how our managers instructed us employees who had certain major positions to be at the stores by 5am to get the sales floor ready to prepare for the surge of customers before the doors to our retail outlets opened.

People literally tore the store up in their haste and disorder.

I used to hear on the news how some people were killed during stampedes caused by those who were in a rush, carelessly bombarding their ways through the crowds of other impetuous people.

I remember standing out in the cold while it was still dark outside one November, the day after Thanksgiving. I was waiting early that morning for a bus to catch, all for the sake of a job needing me to be there to help line up things for Black Friday- it was so ridiculous.


Wait A Minute! What Was In My Box Of Rice?!


On my way home from work earlier in the week, I stopped off at a grocery store that I frequent on rare occasions while I am within the area.

I purchased a box of instant Minute brown rice.

I have been a rice eater since childhood, always loved me some rice- whether yellow rice, red rice, beans and rice, peas and rice, rice pilaf or plain rice.

I cut out eating white rice unless colored with the benefits of Turmeric two years ago.

I have been eating mainly brown rice when I get the taste for it mixed in with lentils or various type of beans that I prepare.

When I got home later in the evening to pour the rice into a pot to boil an object of some sort fell out through the box along with the rice.

It was dark brown in color, had a sharp point on one side and broke in half like some dirty piece of matter possibly found in ground or soil.

Whatever the article was it was a turn off to me.

I immediately poured the contents of the rice out of my pot into the garbage. I took a photo of the Minute rice box proof of purchase, date, and time stamp.

Afterwards, I wrapped the box of remaining rice in a plastic bag and placed it inside the trash.

The next day I phoned up the company that manufactures the rice and was disappointed at the representative’s way of operating, so I hung up on her.

The representative wanted me to send a picture of what I found inside the box. I explained how it broke up and as I did not know what it was, I quickly discarded it

I proceeded to fill out a contact form located on the Minute Rice website. Now I am waiting to see if I will receive a response from them.




I like pumpkins. I think they are so cute.

They make attractive, unique decoration to enhance the essence of the environment, whether during the autumn, for Halloween, or for Thanksgiving.

I used to buy pumpkins years ago for display in my home.

I tasted the inside of one as a youngster. I did not like the taste of it. I used to eat pumpkin seeds now and then, though.

I never had anything with pumpkin as a main ingredient that I recall.

I used to eat sweet potato pie. I have not had that dessert in years.

I purchased my mother a pumpkin pie once when there was not any sweet potato pie available at a restaurant.

Long ago were the days of my mom preparing homemade sweet potato pies as she was tired of big holiday cooking year after year.

My mother had acknowledged to me that the pumpkin pie tasted better than sweet potato pie if not similar.



Unsanitary/Sanitary Practices

I’m a germaphobe to a certain extent.

I don’t touch outside doorknobs, hold onto transportation poles, press elevator buttons, or use ATM machines without holding onto a tissue or piece of paper towel within the process, environments are just too nasty and hazardous.

I’ve seen people sneeze into their hand then use that same hand to swipe their metro cards into the same apparatus as everybody else.

There was a woman who went to kiss a male associate right after giving another man a blow job, if he hadn’t been warned ahead of time of her actions by others who were present, bodily remnants of seminal fluids would have lingered onto his face or mouth.

Long before I ever worked in the health care field I took extra precautions. I always kept my body and hands clean, I never let people or strangers freely kiss on me, and I carried disinfectant wipes or tissues/paper towels with me constantly.

I never sat on public toilets without placing toilet tissue or disposable toilet covers over the seats, I do the same upon using the toilets in peoples homes. I don’t take any chances in this day and age.

I watched a lady client of mine years ago dip her hand down into her pants, and literally scratch her pubic area, she then used that same unwashed hand to use her telephone. The exact telephone I had to clock in and out on to verify my attendance and scheduled assignments.

I didn’t touch anything within her home without wearing vinyl, latex, or nitrile gloves back then, and that is the genuine truth.




I’ve never smoked. I never had the desire to, and I don’t ever plan to.

Everyone within the home I grew up in smoked.

It is a nasty habit and one in which is quite addictive to the point of some individuals lighting and trying to get a drag from the filter of a cigarette butt.

The act of puffing on a stem of tobacco loaded with harmful additives made no sense to me.

The smoke from cigarettes is annoying to me as it goes up my nostrils to burn and to interrupt my breaths of clean, fresh air. It’s bad enough we have to inhale the pollutants and toxins within the outdoor air I didn’t need to inhale the poison in my home too.

These chemicals such as nicotine and the like sneak and get inside our bodies without us even using or indulging in the substance.

My doctor found a touch of nicotine in my urine once and she told me it was from second hand smoke. I was so disgusted.

When I smell people smoking drugs such as marijuana or cess I get sick to my stomach and sometimes have to take a poop as my body is stimulated to release out the toxins I had caught a whiff from.

I’m not knocking anyone who smokes I just don’t understand the point within doing so.


Wild Life Walking The Street

I’ve come across quite a few raccoons who run and walk freely around the streets of New York from time to time. This had been going on for years, ever since the nineties I remember seeing them.

In fact, they’ve recently been spotted on rooftops and on fire escapes and these creatures in particular were big in size and every time one is near within my presence outdoors, I keep my distance.

When I worked in Rockland County, New York a few years ago at a assisted living facility there would be a family of deer who frequented the outside premises and they wouldn’t bother anyone. One of the deers was cautious and waited for me to pass by before crossing a pathway to continue on in travel with the other flock. I had filmed the scene with my smartphone back then and showed it to my mother when I arrived back home to queens.

I always considered deers to be one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

Just One Of Those Things

For the most part, and in general, if one treats their body right their body will in return do unto them the same wonderful favor, and depending on how well, one may often receive the most optimal of health benefits.

In certain instances, however, there are those that heavily drink alcohol, heavily smoke, and don’t eat nutritionally that live on to have long fair (mediocre, okay, or so-so) lives without any serious health conditions. Whereas those who make a significant effort to take care of themselves sometimes fall short when it comes to major health problems and living great yet shorter lives.

For some, the circumstances are determined by genetics, environment, injury, health insurance, or fate-just a form of good or bad luck it seems when it comes to the unexplainable.