Oh, Back Then!


I have wonderful memories of back in the day. People were even different than they are today.

Times have changed drastically. Things are nowhere near as they used to be.

I am glad I had a good childhood and grew up during the time/decade that I did.

I was born in the 70’s, came up in the early eighties to being able to leave our doors unlocked in the spring and summertime when us children would and could stay out all day long running/playing around our neighborhood without a care in the world.

Going back and forth to the store to buy goodies, going back and forth in and out of the house for whatever activity or sport we had come up with, or planned. Whether we had to get or take our bikes, hula-hoops, jump ropes, a bathroom break, a drink of water and whatever else tickled our fancy.

And to speak about getting water, us children used to take short cuts just to head to the backyard to splash and drink from the water hose!

Our parents did not constantly have to keep an eye on us- we ran free.

None of us were in danger of violence or any violent act happening, or committed upon us.

We knew to be cautious or careful, in general, but our lives were never in danger as are today with stray bullets flying, assaults, kidnappings, and the such.

All we worried about was not missing out on all our fun, having enough money to catch the ice cream truck on time when he came around, and hoping not to get called in the house too early after nightfall.

We loved to get the chance to stay out until 10pm or a little later enjoying those innocent fun-filled summer nights!


Black Pepper: Spice It Up!


I never cook by adding salt. I love to add pepper to my preparations, though.

I love spice- yet not too much spice. Just enough to give a satisfying flavor to my tastebuds.

I enjoy the mild hotness of pepper by not over-sprinkling the spice into my various dishes.

Aside from livening up food, pepper offers us a few great benefits that serve our health to the fullest.


With A Cherry On Top🍒


Cherries are expensive at most places where they are purchased but they are a must-have during the times they are in season.

I am sure there are instances where this fruit that is grown under good harvest can be sold reasonably, especially when caught on sale.

Nevertheless, I would rather spend a few extra dollars on quality goods than those manufactured under poorly suited conditions.

Cherries are unique in taste.

Biting into them while sucking on their deliciously, luscious flesh to spit out their seeds is mildly addictive once begun into indulgence.

You cannot just eat one if you are a lover of them. Even though eating Cherries can get messy as their juice will tend to temporarily stain one’s fingertips as well as to permanently stain one’s clothing if one is not careful by spurting into them and spurting the seeds out.

Cherries are one of the many best tasting, beneficial fruits available here on earth.

Not only are they a treat to eat they invitingly decorate other desserts and drinks with their near heart-like shape, deep red color, and thin stem.





Pine is one of nature’s natural delights.

Pine sol was a cleaning agent popular in my home growing up.



It is especially good for shining and use on wood aside from disinfecting other surfaces.

I enjoy cleaning with pine and I love the fresh smell it gives off, especially the lemon scented fragrance.




Enough For What Is Needed


I remember as a kid when my mother used the expression “You have a Champaign taste with a Kool-Aid pocketbook”.

We were not poor, but we were not rich either. We had our temporary normal days of drought from time to time, yet we always had what we needed to live comfortably.

We never went without thanks to God I know my mother would say.

My family ate good.

I do not currently eat expensively, but food can add up to be expensive when it comes to price. I know how to budget.

Just because I can afford something does not mean I will waste money on what I do not feel is necessary. I am not one who is into foolish splurge, though I do have elegant taste and choose nice, quality things.

I enjoy the pleasant dinners I prepare at home that are suitable to me. I do not put garbage into my body.

Cozy evenings, in front of the television set at peace while I eat.




It was the mid 1980’s. The sun shined brightly. The usual two-and-a-half-month summer school recess was in effect.

Kids all around the neighborhood were either having fun or trying to find something to do to occupy themselves.

On my block when the day was a scorcher one of our neighbors would go get the sprinkler that he owned and had obtained through the police precinct.

He placed or screwed the device onto the fire hydrant that was in the middle part of our street near the curb.

All of us children had a delightful time running through the shower of water that heavily sprinkled over and across the center of the street.

Us children were in an environment, carefree- having wet and wild clean fun!



“Bean Me Up!”


Rice is a grain I have loved and never tired from.

Of course, there are times when I take a break from eating rice though I am one who can constantly eat this grain on a routine schedule.

I am a lover of beans too and incorporate these plant-based gems into my diet quite frequently.

I like to mix things up a bit.

For a long time now, I have purchased Bob’s Red Mill 13 Bean Soup mixture of fresh dried beans.

I buy the 13 bean Jack Rabbit brand of beans regularly also.

There are rich, hearty servings of navy beans, black beans, red beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, baby lima beans, large lima beans; black-eyed peas, yellow split peas, green split peas; and brown and red lentil beans.

Altogether they are extremely high sources of fiber and protein in a daily, or weekly meal.

I crave my rice and beans and they satisfy my hunger pains.




Black-Eyed Peas


If one is from the south, black-eyed peas may be a favorite staple.

I am a born and raised New Yorker, but my mother’s side of the family came from Virginia (My father’s side of the family who I did not grow up around are from South Carolina. My great-grandmother on my mother’s father’s side came from North Carolina).

I had plenty of that delicious variety of hearty southern rooted grub during childhood on up in my household.

I still love and eat black-eyed peas till this day.

These legumes are so quick to prepare compared to other beans and peas and they are very tasty.

Black-eyed peas naturally come with health benefits that impart adequate nutrition toward one’s lifestyle.

One of the downsides of eating peas and beans regularly is that it can cause a build-up of intestinal gas.

Nevertheless, over time some of our bodies learn to adapt and we experience less bloating and other discomfort.

I remember back in the day my mother’s family used to cook neck-bones with black eyed peas, oxtail with black-eyed peas and stew beef with black-eyed peas or potatoes.

I currently love and eat my black-eyed peas seasoned with pepper, onion, garlic, oregano and a little basil over rice.

I never cook with salt.

To me, the flavor of prepared dry black-eyed peas is good enough to go without any herbs or spices added to them.






The fleshy parts of fruits and vegetables are extremely healthy, but the edible skins of certain fruits and vegetables are even more beneficial to health.

The skin of potatoes, apples, cucumbers, zucchini and more contain richer amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

I love eating baked potatoes with their peels on.  

Just be sure to know which fruit and vegetable skins are suitable to eat and those that are not.


Everybody Needs A Break


I used to be on the go constantly at a time in my life not so long ago.

I have been to and have seen the loveliest places, homes, and attractions.

Pleasant visual outlooks have a positive emotional and mental impact amid the highlight of accounts experienced.

Environment is crucial.

As individuals, atmosphere is very important to the energy that surrounds us- or that can surround us.

Change is beneficial to our health of mind, state of being, and soul or spirit.

There is so much beauty within the serenity of nature.

Taking in scenery- inhaling breaths of fresh air.

It is vital to go places even if not too often- depending on the opportunity or scheduling one has.

Whether taking a trip around the world  (overseas), around the states, or around the areas of local to distant vicinities around and within one’s own hometown- it is always fabulous to get away.



Juicy Pineapple Juice!


I love pineapple juice.

The natural beverage especially tastes so good/delicious when it is icy cold.

If I am not absorbing the nutrient rich juice from the fruit of a fresh pineapple within the walls of my mouth, I am pleasantly drinking it straight.

Not only is the flavor of pineapple juice highly refreshing- but the benefits also carried in the liquid as well as the core and flesh serves as an absolute refresher to the maintenance of optimum health!

So, take a glass or a cup and gulp down to a pineapple delight.


A Heart To Heart ❤


It is so important to take care of the heart and to keep those arteries as clean as possible.

Some people are genetically predisposed to have coronary events and one never knows when a heart attack or stroke may strike.

It does not matter what age we are it all depends on how we treat and care for our bodies by eating the proper foods, doing suitable exercise, getting significant rest, refraining from toxic substances which in the short term or long run cause harm or premature death, and avoiding unnecessary situations that can or will cause stress.

Go to the doctor for regular check-ups, always inquire them to further investigate anything that seems abnormal/out of range where health professionals may overlook or not pick up right away or at all.

Get second opinions on things too if need be.

We cannot afford to let the beats of our lives conk out on us. We must keep that clock ticking for as long as the beat goes on!



Scrunchies (Hair Care)


I have been wearing scrunchies since the 90’s.

They are the best hair-ties as far as I am concerned. They are flexible within their elasticity; they are durable without wearing out too soon- even while they continuously get wet.

Scrunchies do not pull-out strands of hair by getting tangled up as rubber bands and regular elastic barrettes do.

They come in a variety of fabrics/textures and colors.

However, I do not like the shiny/glossy velvet-type scrunchies. The satin ones are okay though I prefer the cottons ones only.

I currently keep my ponytail of natural hair that is growing fast and healthy  in two comfortable scrunchies- one secured at the top of the tail and the other secured near the bottom.

I always keep a supply of these lovely hair adornments on hand at home for later use.


Mind, Body, And Spirit (Water Cleansing)


A bath is not only good for us physically, the act of bathing is also good for us mentally and spiritually.

It is well-known that baths and showers are therapeutic and serve as a wonderful, healing form of therapy and rejuvenation.

There is also a such thing as a cleansing of the aura and magnetic shield through purifying our bodies on the outside with water, body cleansers, and the right types of clean, detoxifying healthy foods.

We are all made up of body, mind, and spirit.

The same way a bath or a shower makes you feel revived and refreshed is the same way our minds and spirits get revived and refreshed.

Merry Christmas!


Because a savior was born everyone can spiritually be born again to live forever in eternal glory with our heavenly Father.  

While everyone continues to have breath within their body and wake up to see another day here on earth it is not too late for them to accept and receive Jesus if they have not already done so.  

This is the true celebration for a Merry Christmas.

Last Night: The Evening Before Christmas Eve 🎄


People were active and about last night, crowds in the stores doing last minute shopping for Christmas dinner, Christmas presents, and whatever else.

It was cold and windy out, but I braved through the brutal temperatures to pick up extra food and toiletries to cover me for the weekend.


The Best Presents Come Unwrapped


As children and even adults our parents want us to be happy. They always want the best for us.

Christmas used to be a fun, engaging time.

Back in the day the event was magnetically festive and energetic- exhibiting the true nature or spirit of what Christmas inhabited.

Many adults love to anticipate the receiving of gifts, but it is the children which served the ultimate excitement and joy.

Christmas never went by when I did not receive presents under the tree as a kid.

Despite the fact, my mother acknowledged there may come a time during Christmas when she may not be able to get me anything due to possible unpredictable events.

The day did come once, however, I was old enough where it did not matter.

We had a home that was secure, our bills were paid, we had food to eat, we had love around us, we had good health, we had God watching over us and our family members, and we had a long future to look forward to- those were the greatest gifts of all.

So, even though my mother enjoyed wrapping Christmas presents to surprise me the best presents came unwrapped, already out in the open to never be a lack thereof.




Water is a beverage that never gets old, outdated, or played out.

Water is vital we need this natural liquid to survive.

Yes, there is such a fact of having too much water in the bloodstream whereas it can dilute and decrease nutrients.

There are even incidents of death caused by an over-excess of water inside the body.

Most of the time these are extreme cases.

Ordinarily, we need to continue the regular habit of getting enough fluids within our system, especially water.

There are still people who do not drink adequate amounts daily or at all.

Get as much of that mouthwatering water as possible- it is essential!

Fresh And Natural


Women in general, are not nasty vessels that need to be fumigated.

I remember the commercials back in the day targeting women about “not feeling so fresh”.

The media often exaggerated or skipped over facts in order to sell a product. They never expressed the truth about how a healthy woman’s vagina is naturally cleaner than any human mouth that contains teeth and gums.

While douching is not necessary for all women as the vagina naturally cleanses itself, some women do need a little help down there depending on how their body chemistry is, or the lifestyle they live.

Of course, washing and keeping up personal hygiene is important; however, mild vaginal odors are a natural occurrence in some women at certain times. It is perfectly normal.

There are some women who carry no odor at all sometimes.

Then there are the women with very strong vaginal odors that may signify infection or plain rottenness.

Men have their situations too. A lot of them are quite musky by nature.

They sweat behind the balls (testicles) and do not always properly wipe their anus after taking a dump and reek of feces and funk.

Onions And Garlic


I love onions. They are so strong within smell and taste. Powerful enough to literally bring tears to our eyes while we slice and handle them.

This pungent vegetable has always been a favorite of mine whether eaten raw or cooked. Onions bring out a distinct flavor along with garlic.

I love red onions in my salad. Biting into the crunchiness of the flesh causes a natural tingle and sting that indicates how potent the onions are.

When I swallow red onions a burning sensation flows through my nostrils, sometimes so bad that I have to pause before continuing to eat them.

Garlic burns too, and I love it!

The harsh tingles are nature’s release of inherent nutrients, purifiers, and restoration properties in action. They stimulate to take affect within the body.

Onions and garlic contribute highly to good health and well-being.

My grandfather used to make natural tonics- from onions that worked to knock out the common cold virus quickly. He grew up in the south, learning how to use herbs, spices, and vegetables as healing remedies from his grandmother.

Onion rings were an appetizer I once enjoyed but cut out due to it not being wise to make a habit out of eating fried foods.

When it comes to the spicy vegetable garlic, I use the contents of the bulb on just about everything!

Garlic also works as a beneficial antibiotic. I substituted garlic capsules for one of my dogs years ago until I was able to bring her to the vet to get her some amoxicillin. The garlic had really helped my dog out a lot.





Thank goodness for the Berry family. They all contribute vital benefits that help sustain us naturally.

I am not crazy about raspberries though I can tolerate the taste of them when I eat them. They are not one of my favorites as far as taste, but I love them extracted in juice or recipes.

I absolutely love the raw taste of blackberries as well as Blueberries and strawberries.

Cranberries are too tart for me to eat within their natural state, I prefer the pure bitter juice.

These exceptional berries, including the ones I have not mentioned, have an array of wholesome healing purposes.


The Best Times To Feed Our Dogs?

If we were to directly ask our dogs when is the best time they’d like to eat I am sure their response would be, “Anytime is just fine with me!”- latoya lawrence 


I do not want to generalize because dogs all have their own dispositions and distinct preferences just as us people do.

However, I am pretty sure that if most dogs had it their way, they would be ready to eat all day long if we allowed them to.

So, while pet owners have various types of personal relationships with their dogs- some strict, some lenient, some a bit of both, some who just take natural moments of love, care, patience and attentiveness as they come.

Everyone does not tend to feed their dog on a precise day to day schedule, or even three times a day.

Some people feed their dogs throughout the day.

All that matters is what works out best for the pet, their owners, or the family.

If the dogs are being fed a healthy diet with portions suitable to their requirements everything should be fine.

One dog of mine would always get fed regular meals yet still make rounds in the house to other family members for extras.

I remember occasionally her belly would be so full that we could see it, and we would laugh and joke about how she hustled additional food from everybody.

Once she was satisfied, she went and nonchalantly rested her body in total contentment.

This was a healthy dog who ate table food and lived for a long time.





A Lack Of Vitamin D


I had a routine visit to my doctor a week ago.

Everything was good, all the bloodwork came back normal as usual. I am just getting over my cough from my bronchitis acting up.

The only problem the doctor informed me about is that my vitamin D levels are low.

This is nothing new for me and many others. Most of us have vitamin D deficiency.

Years ago, one of my other primary care doctors prescribed vitamin D for me but I did not take it because it was animal derived.

There was a time when I did take Vitamin D2, which is the vegan kind, ergocalciferol.
I used to buy Country Life brand.

It was hard for me to find Vitamin D2 with ingredients that I preferred. Country Life have made changes to quite a few of their supplements, so I do not use them anymore.

I have seen Vitamin D3 advertised on the market in vegan form. However, I will stick with D2 because I know for sure it is plant-form and not animal derived.

Since us vegans do not consume dairy, we may not get enough calcium and vitamin D.

I do not take calcium supplements as some can be dangerous and lead to atherosclerosis due to the calcium not properly being absorbed, etc….

I love spinach and other leafy-green vegetables.

In fact, I gobbled down on some kale, collard greens, chopped spinach, and broccoli a week and a half ago as I ate a helping of each for dinner, evening after evening.

Certain vegetables do contain sufficient amounts of calcium, although it may not be enough if not eaten on a regular basis, or not adequate due to other factors in regard to an individual.


A Pain In The Behind!


Out and about, enjoying your day.

You are your usual outgoing, easy going or carefree self- living it up, doing it up, or just having it up your way!

There is no time for the discomfort and sensation of burning, itchy, painful hemorrhoids that may sometimes rupture and bleed.

Such a bummer to one’s day!

I cannot remember the last time I had or delt with a reoccurring hemorrhoid thanks to the benefits of Turmeric, other supplements, and certain eating habits.

Though, aside from the force of strain within bowel movements during constipation, hemorrhoids can also be triggered by hormonal changes in women during pregnancy or a menstrual cycle.



I cannot determine that I will never experience another hemorrhoid ever again as our bodies are apt to go through changes regarding particular circumstances, however, I have been doing quite well and the same can be said for others who may have found their own “health magic” due to the trick for whatever agrees with them.

Suppositories suck sometimes as they may initially work then lose their potency only to make the situation worse.

I never tried the medicated cloth wipes yet I would not want to have to continuously apply- instead of just having a natural reliable fix.

Vitamin supplements do indeed work one just has to find the right quality kind. Herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables work as well.

When specific ones are all used within combination the results can be truly amazing!



My Pomegranate And Blueberry Juice


Two weeks ago, was the first time I ever tasted Pomegranate and Blueberry juice combined together.

The beverage was deliciously refreshing. I had another two bottles today!



Both highly nutritious- Pomegranate and Blueberries deliver extreme health benefits.

Imagine the properties of these two antioxidants together! A complete powerhouse of goodness.






When I arrived home this evening, I took the most relieving and relaxing poop.

I do not understand why some are embarrassed to discuss a bowel movement as it is a very natural and cleansing activity.



To comfortably excrete waste is therapeutic to the body.

I enjoy taking a dump, it feels so good and refreshing.


Fresh Delicious Pineapples!


The Lord knows that I love watermelon. I love biting into a firm, crunchy apple, and I love a cold, juicy orange.

I love cherries, grapes, plums, pears, peaches, honeydew melon- and more!

Nevertheless, my all-time favorite fruit are fresh pineapples!  I love to drink pineapple juice too but my favorite fruit juice of all time is lemonade!

I eat every part of the pineapple flesh, including the hard middle which is the core.

I ate fresh pineapples constantly as a teen. I still eat them now when they are properly ripe.

I would eat chunks of cut-out pineapple while my lips and tongue were sometimes cut and bled by the inside sharp parts of the pineapple. I did not care one bit. I kept on eating away!

Not only are pineapples delicious they are extremely nutritious with fiber and bromelain.

Of course, fiber keeps our digestive system healthy and bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme mixture that digests protein. It is derived from the juice, stem, and fruit of the pineapple.

Bromelain properties are that of an anticoagulant as it helps to clot our blood.

Pineapples are also high in vitamin C. They have vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and vitamin A

Lean And Green: Active And Refreshed


I would not in general imagine any green liquid to have a pleasant taste.

I remember in the early 90’s when I tried fresh Wheatgrass juice for the very first time at a health food store.

A member of staff had juiced the grass within its raw state right in front of me.

Wheatgrass juice has to be drunk within a certain time frame or else the highly nutritious plant (grass) will lose some of its full potency.

Three or four years ago I tried a green colored smoothie at a fancy high-class restaurant that was located inside of a high-rise building in Manhattan, New York.



I had ordered fruit along with some food to take home with me.

When I took the first sip of the fresh smoothie that contained raw spinach, celery, apples, carrots, ginger, lemon and other vegetables- I was surprised by how good the beverage tasted.

I was expecting a strong, nasty, sickening flavor.

I was wrong.

The juice of the smoothie was sweet from the apples, and refreshing with all of the spices, vegetables and fruits that were liquefied to perfection.

Smoothies smoothed out right are a great way to incorporate more of the leafy-greens into our diets more often.





Mushrooms: A Fantastic Fungi!


Back in the day, when I was around fourteen, my mother used to buy me this great-tasting yellow-colored vegetable rice from a diner she would frequent.

This vegan dish had tiny cut mushrooms prepared within the variety of vegetables that were intertwined.

Prior to eating this rice, I had only had foods with a mushroom flavor that I enjoyed without the actual particles of mushrooms themselves.

As an adult, I tried certain mushrooms that I just could not tolerate. I didn’t like the taste nor the texture.


I don’t know what type of mushrooms that were in the rice years ago or how it was cooked I just know I was able to eat them and chew on them satisfactorily.

Mushrooms are extremely beneficial to one’s health.

They are excellent for brain health, digestive and immune health, heart health, cancer and all-around longevity in general.

I began to take Mushroom supplements years ago. They are wonderful and safe (unless one has a particular allergy)!

If one chooses to incorporate a mushroom supplement into their diet just know to purchase those with the fruiting body extracts instead of mycelium.



Mushrooms are inherently comprised of mycelium, but supplements made from mushrooms are not equivalent to ones made from mycelium.

The fruiting body of the mushroom contains high concentrations of beta-glucans, triterpenes, and other particular compounds such as cordycepin.

Mycelium is the vegetative bit of the mushroom.

The fruiting body is the bit that grows from the ground. It is able to be harvested.


The Beauty And Power Of Love


I am not one who loves easily. If I love someone they definitely have to be worth it- latoya lawrence


Love is beautiful.

I had a lot of love in my life growing up, true unconditional love.

Real love never dies.

There is strength and confidence within love.



Love cannot be bought or sold. The price of love is invaluable, immeasurable, and worth more than what anyone could ever be able to afford.

So precious is this life-giving emotion, so wonderful is its essence.

Fortunate is those who have loved, and who know the genuine meaning of love.




Laughter is indeed the best medicine. A remedy to many situations.

I am talking about genuine amusement and lightheartedness.

Not an act of charade or a phony display of spiritedness.

I come from a family of naturally humorous people and we never tried to be funny.

Of course, what is comical to one or a few is not comical to all as everyone has their own individuality.

Yet, we were one’s who could see and find the humor within the most so called tragic of situations.

We also viewed the brighter, meaningful side of things realistically.

There was literally never a day that went by where my mother and I never laughed or joked around with one another.

Our family members made us laugh, we even laughed at ourselves.

There is a difference between being silly and having a healthy sense of humor.

Mindless, foolish, stupidity is not my idea of hilarity. It is just pure nonsense.

It is very important to not take things too seriously, but know what to take serious if it applies.

Have fun when one can. Enjoy life in the way that appeals to one.

Never let anyone or anything steal away the joy one has inside.




Womb Care: A Personal Inspiration


My mother and I had a very close relationship.

She could share almost anything with me and I could share just about everything with her.

One thing she revealed to me years ago when I was a teen or in my early twenties is that she never had sex while she was pregnant with me.

My mother said anything like that was out of the question. She explained her feelings and reasons why. None of which had to do with religion or anything of that nature.

I felt my mother gave me the “ultimate respect” within the womb.

I even feel the exact same way for personal reasons of my own.

If I was sexually active and got pregnant, I would not let a man touch me either.

I am in no way judging or criticizing women who do have sex while they are pregnant.

It is purely a natural preference, a trait within our own distinction my mother and I had.

I know there are definitely other females out there in the world who are similar.

We are a people of all kinds, and uniqueness.

A Fruit And Vegetable A Day



I know that everyone who may want to eat healthy cannot always afford to.

Prices for everything is sky high these days. It is hard to just get by sometimes.

There are fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts that are priced reasonably when sales aren’t being advertised.

It is beneficial, necessary and even vital in some circumstances for one to eat at least one or more fruits and vegetables a day every day.







Pomegranate And Pomegranate Juice


The first time I ate Pomegranate was in the early 90’s, either the year of ninety-one or ninety-two.

For two and a half years now, I have been drinking cold-pressed Pomegranate juice regularly.

The brand of beverage that I purchase is quite expensive because it is pure, however, it is worth it.

I enjoyed two ice-cold bottles of Pomegranate juice today in fact!

Fresh Pomegranate fruit is very delicious to suck on and is highly packed with vitamin C.

The only thing I dislike about Pomegranate is how messy the juice can be upon cutting into the fruit.

Pomegranate is very good for the arteries, blood pressure, and circulation- which is extremely beneficial to one’s heart.

Cherry Tomatoes


I used to pick tomatoes from my grandmother’s garden along with other vegetables that my grandmother grew in our backyard when I was a kid.

I always loved tomatoes. All things tomato suits me just fine- whether it is tomato sauce, tomato soup, cherry tomato or regular size tomato.

Cherry tomatoes are what I currently eat on a regular basis.

When I was a child, I thought tomatoes were a vegetable. I learned later in life that tomatoes were actually fruit.

I love lettuce, cucumbers and red onions, but nothing brings out a salad for me than the zest of fresh delicious tomatoes mixed in together!

I even love a big fat ripe tomato by itself.

Not only are tomatoes great in taste they are extremely nutritious as well!

Tomatoes, especially cherry tomatoes are abundant in vitamin C and lycopene.

A bonus is that cherry tomatoes are also a good source of potassium and the vitamins A and E.

Tomatoes contribute significant health benefits to the body.

I purchased myself two large containers of fresh cherry tomatoes a few days ago from the supermarket.

I cannot wait to sink my teeth into some of them once I am ready for them!

Carrots And Carrot Juice

I love fresh carrots! I always have, they are just so darn tasty and a great snack to crunch and chew on. Not only are they delicious, but highly nutritious!

I keep carrots in the house. Every time I go grocery shopping, I purchase this healthy vegetable and I eat them practically every day.

I remember during my teens when I juiced carrots for the very first time. The taste of the beverage was unbelievable. My mother and I gulped down our carrot juice with such pleasure.

Be sure to incorporate a generous serving of carrots or carrot juice into your diet or daily routine and get plenty of that vital beta carotene along with a heap of other vitamins and minerals to fill up your body with.

If one can afford to, buy and eat organic carrots and other vegetables and fruits as well!

Relief In The Bathroom

You do not have to spend an eternity or eventually die on the toilet from a strenuous or relentless effort to relieve yourself of fecal elimination.

Bowel movements can be very difficult at times with constipation and bowels that sometimes feel confined within the intestines, refusing to come out. It often makes one feel bloated or uncomfortable.

I cured my occasional constipation issues a long time ago with Turmeric.

When I was in my twenties, I pooped three times a day with no problem. If I would eat too much starch here and there, I had to deal with the strain of emptying my bowels. From time to time or once in a while I would get a high level of constraint or restriction with a pronounced lack of ease or no ease at all. It is then that I had to take serious action. I was in my thirties when this circumstance had taken place.

Constipation is usually associated with hardened feces or large ones with softness in texture unable to thoroughly pass through the rectum completely.

When I had my severe constipation years ago where I had to literally take my finger and hand to dig out the doo-doo, I put an end to the condition by fortunately coming across Turmeric. Even after I had stopped consuming the curcuma longa supplements, I didn’t have a problem with excretion until once more years following.

Aside from Turmeric, the second most simple solution is to just consume more high fiber foods into your diet. At least that was and is the other remedy for me.
A lot of my favorite foods happen to be fiber-rich and I go to the bathroom very frequently and with total ease and relaxation.

The fact that I have been a vegan/vegetarian for thirty-three years may contribute to my healthy digestive system, although fiber and/or Tumeric can and will do great wonders for anyone who properly balances them within their daily lifestyle.

So, gulp down copiously on healthy fruits, vegetables, seeds, beans/legumes and grains that are heavily loaded with beneficial fiber. Your body not only will be producing comfort in the bathroom, but satisfactory within overall health as well.

Fiber and Turmeric both do a body well.

You can safely and naturally choose one or the other, or both, according to one’s own different personal need, preference, and/or bodily toleration.

Fruit For The Spirit: Crucial For Life

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. -Philippians 1:6

Just as our bodies need vital nutrients to sustain our physical health we need the essential nourishment of the mind, spirit, and soul as well. But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” -Matthew 4:4

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. -John 15:4-5

Get encouraged and motivated by inspiration that will enrich your daily walk in life with my scripture and faith based self-written devotionals.

God has prompted me through the holy spirit to utilize my talent of writing to share and spread the message of hope, truth, and salvation to all who are called.

I also share my life experiences and encounters through all seven of my websites/blogs through the gifts, wisdom and knowledge bestowed to me as I travel through as a sojourner on this earth.

This world will eventually come to pass. Until then, let us be prepared and ready to store up treasures for ourselves in heaven.

We are not to live for this temporary life here on the present earth, but for the new Kingdom to come.

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!
“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money. “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear.
Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?
Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.
And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’
These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:19-34

Healthy Fats

I love peanuts, sunflower seeds, cashews, pecans, and walnuts. The only thing about the walnuts is that I was kind of allergic to them.

Nuts are very nutritious and good for health the only drawback is that they all have to be eaten in moderation. Too much of these fats eaten too often can raise unhealthy cholesterol levels due to their high calorie density although they are a naturally vegan food and rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Nuts are a great source of unsaturated fat but they are also high in fats altogether. A well-proportioned diet of nuts occasionally or in a small daily amount depending on the individual can lower or control blood cholesterol levels and support a healthy heart among other things. Like I said, though, be careful not to overdo it.

Nuts are delicious and we can get carried away eating them.


Fresh Pears

I had some fresh organic pears yesterday. I bought them last week. Six came in a bag. I ate five since one had fell to the floor.

They were firm, crunchy, and delicious. I had not eaten any pears in a very long time. So long I can’t even remember. I love pears, they were the brown ones with tint of green.

I always buy and keep fresh fruit, especially apples, cherry tomatoes, oranges, tangerines, carrots and bananas.

Pears are highly nutritious they are rich in dietary fiber, plant compounds, and essential nutrients! This favorite snack of mine is also said to be able to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes when consumed regularly in a well-balanced diet.

Most fresh fruit and vegetables are excellent at combating and preventing many health issues anyhow.



Breakfast Cereals And The Two Healthiest Cold Cereals

As a child my favorite cold breakfast cereal were rice krispies and corn flakes. Cheerios was good too.

In addition, I experimented with plenty of other cereals specifically geared toward children- Frosted Flakes, Captain Crunch and etc….

In my adult years, I rarely ate cold cereal, and if occasionally I had a taste for some, I searched for a healthy vegan alternative compared to the traditional junk on the market nowadays.

Most cold breakfast cereals are loaded with unnecessary amounts of added sugars along with a host of other rotten ingredients not beneficial to the health.

When looking for a quality cereal it should be one that is high in fiber, minimally processed, very low in added sugar (no added sugar if possible), non-gmo and whole grain.

I use to like Nature’s Path Heritage Flakes the last time I had a box I was turned off by the flavor and texture of the flakes. Prior to that I had already decided not to purchase them anymore due to the sugar content.

The Heritage Flakes don’t have a sweet taste but I prefer cereals now without added sugars (Nature’s Path Crunchy Vanilla Sunrise is far too sweet for me. I don’t know how I occasionally ate them to begin with).

It’s very hard to find a legitimate healthy cold breakfast cereal. There are quite a few out there advertised as being nutritious when in reality they’re genuinely not.

I was shocked when I found one that I could actually trust and like. Yes, I found Uncle Sam Raisin Bran Toasted Whole Wheat Berry Flakes & Raisins cereal.

This cereal has only four ingredients: whole grain wheat, raisins, barley malt and salt.

In my opinion, this cereal is delicious. I truly love and enjoy eating Uncle Sam raisin bran.

The other genuinely healthy cereal out there I forgot to mention is the original Grape Nuts (which I use to be hooked on during my teenage years).

Grape nuts also only consist of four ingredients without any added sugars. The contents of healthy Grape Nuts are: whole grain wheat flour, malted barley flour, salt and dried yeast.

Grape Nuts are also fortified with acceptable vitamins: reduced iron, niacinamide, zinc oxide (source of zinc), vitamin b6, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin b1) and folic acid.

These two cold breakfast cereals are two of the healthiest on the market and the only ones that I eat when I have a taste for some.

I’ve even changed my brand of soymilk.

Silk use to be my only vegan choice of milk and I still consider Silk to be top rate. I would continue to drink the milk if they took out all the extra added ingredients such as the vitamin a palmitate, calcium carbonate and other particular additives.

I like that Silk has a delicious organic unsweetened vanilla with no added sugar,  but it is still fortified and contained with other undesirable additives that I do not want to consume.

I fortunately came across unsweetened WestSoy Soymilk months back. I prefer the plain-tasting version over the vanilla. The plain has only filtered water and whole organic soybeans.

Delicious Healthy Oats!


Above is an actual camera photo I took earlier today of my delicious steel cut oats!

They came out so perfect within taste. As usual, I mixed in some extra thick whole grain rolled oats without any sugar, milk (vegan) or fruit.

I only use and eat Bob’s Red Mill oat products. “Nature’s Path” original instant oatmeal and “Mom’s Best Cereals” quick oats are also both high quality non gmo brands I purchase for my aunt who loves and eats the instant version of oatmeal.

When I purchase oats I look for only natural 100% whole grain oats without any fortified vitamins or sugar added into the product.

I’d rather add my own extra ingredients that I choose to if preferred than to have over-processed unhealthy amounts of derivatives sneaked or placed into my food.


Ever since childhood I’ve been a fan of oats/oatmeal ingredients. I loved oatmeal cookies and oatmeal granola.

Now as an adult I’ve developed the taste for hot oatmeal cereal. I didn’t like oatmeal for breakfast growing up. When a lady where I worked at offered and made me a bowl months ago I was hooked.

Wheat farina is what I was raised up on and loved. Then, once I had gotten older and experimented with hot oat bran cereal I no longer desired the farina, and now that I have sampled hot oatmeal again in my latter years I don’t really want anymore of the oat bran cereal too often.

One of my aunts loves oat meal too, she’s always been a fan of the breakfast cereal, though. I fix her a bowl or two just about every day. She eats the instant. I don’t care for the instant oatmeal I eat steel cut oats and mix it in with extra thick rolled oats when I cook them, and those steel cut oats make the cereal all so delicious.

I don’t need or eat my oatmeal with any additives. I boil the oats with water without the use of sugar, milk (vegan) or fruit as the choice is just my preference.



Morning Start

We should wake up each day giving our thanks and praise to the Lord. Then, we should continue to speak to him all throughout the day as often as possible.

We need his comfort and guidance. He is always with us his children, ready to hear and to instruct us within our daily walk with him. -latoya lawrence


After my initial morning talk/prayer to God, the first thing I did when I got up this morning was take my vitamins then I fixed me some breakfast.

I peeled and ate five tangerines along with two bananas, and then a while later, I made myself a full small pot of oatmeal.

By the grace of God I’ve been eating even healthier meals. Mostly fruits, vegetables and legumes.

It’s important for us to watch the things we eat and to prepare our own nutritious meals instead of buying heavily processed foods that aren’t beneficial to a good well-being.




Juice is wonderful and delicious to drink and all so soothing and satisfying when drunk ice-cold.

Sometimes I get full from drinking juice while other times the sugar within the juice will cause me to thirst for water. At times when I drink water, I will get full, on other occasions, drinking water will make me hungry for food.

It’s intriguing how the body works; our bodies are a remarkable constitution within the fashions in which they function.

We all know that water is essential and beneficial in all ways and for all types of use and drinking adequate amounts of water to our preference and needs are a contribution to a healthy state of hydration and overall well-being.

So, include water within a daily or frequent time of the week and enjoy the refreshing taste as well as the nutritional value that this purely natural beverage has to offer.


Pickles Delicious!

I never liked pickle chips in any type of burger or sandwich or alone for that matter, but I always loved kosher dill pickle spears by themselves.

They were also so good to eat on the side while eating a hero sandwich; crispy potato chips always went well with a sandwich too.

Anyhow, over the weekend, my mother opened up a jar of pickles that I had bought from my local stop & shop a few weeks ago. They’d been inside the refrigerator all of this time nice and cold.

I found these particular pickles in the vegan/organic aisle of the supermarket and I could tell by the packaging and by the look of the pickles that they were of good quality. I wanted to pick up a jar for my mother also, yet there was only one jar of spears left. The others on the shelf were the pickle chips and my mother liked pickle chips but not to eat alone as a snack, so I was only able to purchase one jar of this specific brand. I just decided that my mother and I would share them.

This was my very first time ever buying these organic Woodstock brand and I must say that these kosher dill pickle spears were extremely delicious. I couldn’t stop eating them. I love them! These pickles are on the expensive side $6.99; however, they were well worth the money!

Since I was a child, I had always loved raw cucumbers. I use to go and pick our own home grown ripe cumbers from our backyard that my grandmother had planted, peel them, and sprinkle a little salt on them. Cucumbers/pickles are such a naturally healthy treat.

Here are the list of contents within the Woodstock brand:

Ingredients: Organic cucumbers, water, organic distilled vinegar, salt, calcium chloride, organic garlic chips, organic dill weed oil, organic gum arabic, organic natural spice flavors, xanthan gum.




Isn’t it wonderful to have a mother or parent who loves their child so much and who invests the time and effort into the ultimate welfare of providing for their child?

One of the most beautiful things to share with a child at an early age besides care and attention is a book.

Early learning and development is one of the most important bestowments that a parent can offer to their child along with it being another way to enhance a familial bond.

My mother always had books around me as she was an avid reader and she taught me how to read by the time I was two and a half years of age.

Reading is so conducive as it takes one’s mind on a journey to discovery, contemplation, imagination, adventure, and communication.

I loved the numerous types of books that my mother had purchased for me and I’d read them over and over again. One of my favorite childhood literary anthologies was the Bank Street Readers series of books.

My mother often took me to the library to borrow books that held my interest, and for the study of autobiographical book reports that I had to turn in during my elementary school years. It was both fun as well as educational.

Till this very day one of my favorite hobbies is to read. I was even presented a gold pen when I was eight years of age for being one of the best readers within the entire school.

All is owed to having a parent who prepared me for the world ahead of time.




I never considered myself an exercise person due to the fact that I don’t exercise.

Then, I had to remember and realize how walking is a major form of exercise that I’ve done frequently for quite most of my life.

I use to enjoy walking to a high degree so much that on days of beautiful spring and summer weather I’d walk home, and to a relatively long destination, instead of taking a cab or public transportation if the stroll was within a considerably reasonable distance and location for me to attain.

I don’t do arobics or stretches the only type of stretching I do is when I wake up in the morning or to flex when my limbs and body gets stiff or tired.

Nevertheless, I am very energetic and I get a workout from the exertion of my everyday activities, especially while I’m at work and constantly on the move.

So while some of us are not into the strenuous or disciplined acts of routine exercise we have the unintentional ability, and result, of being bodily toned and healthily fit simply by doing our regular movements through out each day.


Puppy Love/Doggy Days

I eagerly took good care of all the puppies and dogs that I’ve had throughout my life.

Canines bring such joy and richness into our lives so I made sure the one’s who came to live with me were enriched and well pleased.

It came natural, who could help from treating an adorable puppy or dog with ultimate love, and genuine care?

I remember when I was in my teens I tried to brush one of my dog’s teeth yet she made it impossible as she constantly licked the toothpaste.

While I kept my canines teeth and gums healthy in other ways, Milk Bone puppy and dog biscuits was an excellent remedy for helping to keep her breath fresh, and mouth happy.

In fact, Milk Bones were the only type of dog food my canine would touch, except for a special high quality dog food I use to feed two of my canines that brought out a gorgeous sheen to their already healthy coats.

She was strictly a table food eater.


Sandwiches And Cold Cuts

I was up and about early yesterday morning trotting around in Manhattan, New York

I had gotten my hands on a heated, cutely packaged, and healthily prepared sandwich.

The roasted onion, garlic, tomato, kale, olive oil and mozzarella melted on chicken layered inside of hero bread was what I picked out to bring as a treat home to my mother.

She praised the sandwich. “It’s on the style of a vegetarian type of sandwich”, she had said to me after eating the food.

My mom loves her sandwiches and I often inspire her to eat healthy.

I buy her boar’s head cold cuts to put on whole wheat bread or the stonefire brand of roasted garlic naan flatbread I introduced her to, though, I’ve never actually eaten the product myself.

I have an eye for what I know she’d probably like and she really enjoyed the flatbread so I continued to get it for her from time to time.

I always read ingredients before making a purchase, however, my mother isn’t as picky as I am when it comes to certain food, and she isn’t vegan, vegetarian, or pollo pescetarian, but she does like vegan and vegetarian dishes.

What I appreciate about boar’s head is they don’t use animal rennet for their cheese only vegetable rennet.

They also have an organic non gmo selection of natural crafted cold cuts to choose from. I purchased the “Simplicity” mild cheddar cheese and roasted turkey breast once.


Yellow Rice With Herbs And Spices

I cooked and ate three plates of yellow rice that I prepared earlier this afternoon.

I colored white rice naturally with turmeric spice. I added oregano, cumin, thyme, parsley, garlic, onion and plant butter to boil along with the rice to give it a flavor.

I didn’t put in any salt as some may prefer.

The yellow rice came out nice to my liking I love all kinds of rice anyway, even plain white rice. Brown rice tastes good too if seasoned and crafted well.

Next time I am going to mix some vegetables along with the dish. Green peas, corn, and broccoli taste great mixed with yellow rice and rice pilaf.

Therapy Dogs


When I worked at one of the assisted living facilities I often occupied there were therapy dogs often brought in to offer emotional support, mental stimulation, and companionship toward the elderly.

In my opinion, therapy animals are lovely resources for any age group to pleasantly and significantly benefit from.

For those who are receptive to canines therapy dogs are a great enhancement to the lives of people and within the lifting up of the spirits to those in need of a humane connection.

It is particularly very assistive within the elderly environment to receive the therapeutic attributes in which a loving, friendly, affectionate, and comforting trained dog can provide to them.

The dogs themselves deserve the proper care and respect in return for all they do and the sacrifice they undertake in order to cater to our charitable (human) causes.

Canines have feelings and needs too and sometimes people don’t take into account how they may get overwhelmed and taken advantage of within their own doghood life periods.

Dogs are living beings also and shouldn’t constantly have their precious moments stolen away.

They need our therapeutic modes of solicitous and considerate treatment as well.

Natural Sources Of Vitamin C

Are you getting enough of that Vitamin C?

If anyone, in general, is a smoker they definitely need some as smoking depletes the body of this wonderful nutrient.

I made sure relatives of mine who smoked had gotten their continuous adequate amounts of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is very good for circulation, blood vessels, wound healing (silica is also excellent for tissue repair), and a healthy immune system. I know, I’ve been taking vitamin C for years, within supplement form as well as in fruit and vegetable form.

Vitamin C is also good for teeth and bone health (silica is also excellent for the bones too) as well as other vital bodily functions.

Some of my favorite juices and foods contain and are naturally high in vitamin C.

I use to buy and eat fresh pineapples constantly in my younger days I still buy and drink pineapple juice in the current, along with the sour temptations of lemons and lemonade.

I eat tomatoes and I love tomato juice as well as tomato soup.

Of course, oranges are full of natural vitamin C and I eat plenty of those as well.

Cantaloupe and watermelon are also good sources of vitamin C.

And, don’t forget apples and apple juice which have their fair share of naturally incorporated vitamin C.




It’s exciting to have more options to choose from and that cater to our lifestyle, health, and special diets, nowadays, whether we are vegan/vegetarian/pollo pescetarian or just plain gluten free, and so on.

I love plant milk, preferably soy and cashew, the vanilla flavors suit me best. I don’t like almond milk at all.

I also love cashew cheese and olive oil crafted buttery spreads.

I tend to come up with ideas and tasty plans to create then to put into effort within my foods.

I’m just glad I can experiment with a variety of plant sources without sacrificing great flavor.

So go and get that plant-based milk, cheese, and butter if it’s befitting to a preference or way of living.


Vitamin Supplements


I highly recommend supplements that are vegan/vegetarian suitable, non gmo, without fillers, and that are labeled with legitimate seals and certifications of high quality, assuring the product consists of laboratory testing to confirm accuracy of contents as well as safety of consumption.

I was started on vitamins at a very early age.

When I got older and became extremely health conscious, I began my own independent voyage further and deeper into the benefits of supplements and their advantages.

My teenage years was spent evolving and gaining knowledge about spiritual and physical maintenance.

I consume both vitamin and herbal supplements and over my life long journey of indulging within the assistance of these fantastic tools in which consist of medicinal properties, and remedy,  I can genuinely attest to the optimal satisfaction and wellbeing these lifesavers indeed provide.

Olive Oil

Real olive oil will leave a specific recognizable tingle within the back of the throat I’ve experienced this numerous times. It is a sign of the purity and pungency of the oil.

I continuously prepare and use olive oil in a lot of my foods. I first began using olive oil during my teenage years. I had got it in the tin can it use to come in.

I don’t just buy any olive oil displayed on the shelves of the supermarket because I know for a fact all oils labeled as 100% pure olive oil are actually not legitimate.

There are many popular well known brands who claim to sell authentic olive oil yet their statements are false and have been proven so.

There are only two olive oil companies I have trusted and bought from for over a long period of time now and they are California Olive Ranch, and Lucini. I had researched them prior to purchasing their oils. They both have the harvest dates as well as expiration dates located on their glass bottles.

Of course, there are other legitimate brands out there who do sell authentic olive oils these are just the particular two I frequently buy.

I also look out for the seals and certifications such as Non Gmo, Certified Extra Virgin Olive Oil Associations, USDA and so on.

Apple Pie And Apple Sauce (Applelicious Is Apple Wholesome)

I love apples, especially the yellow ones.

I love apples that are both sweet and tart I love biting into the juicy and crisp flesh of the fruit. I don’t like apples that are kind of soft, they’ve got to be firm.

The Red Delicious and the Granny smith variety are my favorites, McIntosh are okay but those other three are my specialties.

I was never a major pie eater as I never cared much for pie the only type of pie I would eat was homemade sweet potato growing up. My mother liked pies and when she tried pumpkin pie for the first time a few years back she told me it tasted similar to sweet potato pie yet it was even better. So she is now fond of pumpkin pie.

I never tried Pumpkin pie though I do love apple pie. Apple pie is my mother’s favorite among all the other pies she’s eaten also. My mother reminisced to me how in down south Virginia our family use to make some yummy apple pies from scratch with fresh granny smith green apples.

I use to eat apple pies frequently during my twenties, I loved biting and chewing into the crust of the pie as the whole entire parts of the pastry was so delicious, and I use to drink cold milk along with eating them.

There were certain types of pie that I didn’t like and didn’t want to eat I’d just nibble on the crust because I wasn’t fond of the fruity sections prepared within the pies. Apple pie was the only pie that I could delightfully stomach down, I guess it all depends on how a pie is crafted.

Applesauce was a dessert I’ve always eaten and enjoyed I also like it blended with cinnamon spice. I had purchased the Santa Cruz brand organic applesauce a few times in the past and the product was of very good quality. Applesauce tastes really good cold and it is a really healthy light food to snack on.

My mother fed me applesauce as a child just as I’m sure a lot of our parents have, and it is loved, and a favorite, among the young and the old. It is a pleasant option for those who have to eat pureed foods and a convenient way for some to help swallow a pill down with, or to mix powdered medicine into for a tolerable intake.

Apple juice, another treasure and extension to indulge in, is a drink we constantly keep in the house as the beverage is both nutritious and healing for the body.

What would we do if we didn’t have apples to incorporate into the various forms of our diets? I don’t even want to imagine a circumstance of that nature, not the way I love to eat apples, apple pie, applesauce, and drink apple juice.

If I loss my “apples” I’d probably end up in the “nut” house. Nevertheless, nuts are nutritious too.

Dole Organic Bananas

I went and did a little grocery shopping this past week and purchased two bags of bananas by Dole and they were organic.

The bananas tasted so good and fresh. They were a little bit more expensive than the non organic bananas. I was aware Dole sold organic bananas yet I had never came across them within any of my local grocery stores.

As now the circumstance has changed and the bananas are available at one of my particular neighborhood supermarkets I’ll continue to buy and eat them.

Homemade Popsicles


When I was about fifteen or sixteen a family associate and I was at her home and she came up with the idea to make some ices on a stick.

So we made kool aid and filled up the ice trays with the flavored juice mix we had fixed and placed popsicle sticks within the center of each ice cube as they began to freeze to a icy texture.

When the Ice cubes froze solid we released them from the tray and delightfully sucked all the juiciness out as we held them by their sticks.

It was so cute and the dessert came out pretty good.

These days I have advanced, of course, only to use natural pure fruit juice, and the proper equipment for a richer, fuller, and more flavorful delicious experience to enjoy.



Interracial Couples/Relationships


If some people date and get married outside of their race who cares?

How does it affect the lives of others except for those who are negative and don’t know how to unjustifiably stay out of other peoples business.

I’d be more concerned about an undesirable mating with someone of substance, regardless of whatever race they are from because trash and degenerate people come within all colors, ethnicities, and nationalities, as this is a significant factor to mess up the bloodline.

Those are the type and kinds of people who need to stick with their own kind.

It shouldn’t be about color or race, but about one’s level and mentality, one’s character and dignity.

If specific people are able to relate to one another, love and respect one another, they have every right to peacefully join together with each other, whether in friendship or within companionship.

In reality, there will always be individuals who stubbornly hold their prejudices and cause friction on account of their hatred or intolerance yet it shouldn’t hinder anyone from being with who they want, being who they are, and living how they want to live.


Same Sex Couples


We almost cannot say gay, lesbian, or homosexual, or anything anymore because so many people are taking offense to certain labels and remarks whereas many others of us don’t mean any harm.

People are getting into trouble for just voicing their opinions and truths and some of this nonsense has gone too far.

This “me too” movement and the recognition of intolerance for discrimination against all category of people is indeed great, however, some people need to cool down and at the same time don’t start to take away our freedom of speech within the long run.

People are scared to speak on certain things due to the fact they could lose everything depending on what position and what area of employment and life they’re situated in.

Nevertheless, I’ll continue to speak my mind.

I don’t care who has sexual relations with who. Whether it is two men together, two women together, a man and a woman together, or people who are bisexual and go both ways.

I could care less as their lifestyle and the nature in which some of them were born has absolutely nothing to do with me or my life.

I’ve never had any personal negative feelings towards them. They are regular people just like everyone else who have their own preferences. I like individuals who are different and this is a versatile world.

I’m asexual, and proud to be, and one should be proud of who they are, and able to live in peace. I judge people by their character not by their ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Why people are hostile toward gays, lesbians, and transgender is beyond me. What they do and how they live their life should not matter to anyone if they are not bothering anyone and are not a danger to society. And, anyone can be a danger to society regardless of their sexuality.

People going around hating, assaulting, and killing other people simply because they are not heterosexual is ridiculous.

Mouth-Watering Watermelon

Oh, the melon family. I like the honeydew and the cantaloupe, however, nothing compares to the watermelon, to me.

Watermelon is such an appropriate summer fruit, but all fruit is appropriate for the summer, and all year around too, when certain one’s are within their seasons.

I haven’t had any watermelon since earlier in the spring and it was so icy cold, tasty, and ripe.

Watermelon is also nutritious and is a natural diuretic.

I remember when my family use to buy whole fresh quality watermelons straight from the trucks in travel from down south. They use to be the best. Nowadays, anything could be low-grade off those particular trucks.

I never get tired of eating good watermelon I’m going to get me some real soon.

The local grocery where I go keeps the watermelon stacked on ice and I bring the melon home to store in the refrigerator to get further chilled to my likeness.

I usually slice the large fruit in half and eat it with a spoon, it’s less messy to eat it that way, and it is also a convenient approach or method.

Oh, I can’t wait to get my hands on some great mouth-watering watermelon!


I Dream And Scream For Ice Cream Alternatives

When I went to one of my local supermarkets months back to buy a few pints of vanilla Almond Dream non dairy frozen dessert I found out the store had discontinued the item.

I liked the product yet maybe the item didn’t sell very well there.

The other non dairy frozen desserts I also like is made by So Delicious brand. Their cashew milk vanilla and soy vanilla ice cream alternatives taste very nice and refreshing.

They’re all non GMO vegan products.

I wish there was a non dairy and non GMO vegan toasted almond frozen dessert bar out there on the market if there isn’t one out there already that I’m unaware about. I’d like to eat one made from natural ingredients and top quality preparation.


Vermont Bread Company English Muffins


Of course, one can’t always judge a book by its cover though I usually have a good eye and judgement for what is of quality.

As living the life of a vegan or vegetarian at times gets quite expensive I often catch and look out for sales.

There was some Vermont Bread Company brand english muffins that are constantly priced at $5.00 for two packs at one of my local Stop and Shops.

I had never purchased or ate any of the Vermont company breads and would pass up on their items. About three weeks ago, I had a relative shop with me and convinced me to try out the English muffins due to the price of five dollars for each that were six in a pack.

I only relented because it’s hard to commonly find vegan non gmo breads unless you’re at a store which specializes in those type of products.

So she bought two packs, one whole wheat and one white, I bought two whole wheats.

Those muffins stayed inside my fridge for two weeks before I went to open them up. I was hesitant as something within me just didn’t have a desire or attraction for them. If they had have been Dave’s Killer Muffins I would have been all over them the instant I brought them home.

On the day I finally decided to give the Vermont whole wheat English muffins a go I dolled them up with some herbs and olive oil and when I put them inside the toaster oven to heat they gave off an unpleasant smell which stunk.

I was even more hesitant to eat these muffins after that. After I took two or three bites of those disgusting english muffins I threw them into the trash.

I read reviews (which, of course, is not wise to always go by) about how good the Vermont Bread Company english muffins were even though I personally doubted I’d like them from the way they had appeared. I honestly don’t know what those people were talking about maybe they were paid to post that shit.

They’re always 2 for $5 for a reason.

Sometimes one has to pay a little extra for the good stuff when it’s not running a course of a discount.

I was so happy to recently get my usual Dave’s Killer Bread organic classic english muffins that smell and taste so good I even bought my relative a pack and she loved them and agreed that they were much better than that nasty tasting Vermont shit.


Wild Life Walking The Street

I’ve come across quite a few raccoons who run and walk freely around the streets of New York from time to time. This had been going on for years, ever since the nineties I remember seeing them.

In fact, they’ve recently been spotted on rooftops and on fire escapes and these creatures in particular were big in size and every time one is near within my presence outdoors, I keep my distance.

When I worked in Rockland County, New York a few years ago at a assisted living facility there would be a family of deer who frequented the outside premises and they wouldn’t bother anyone. One of the deers was cautious and waited for me to pass by before crossing a pathway to continue on in travel with the other flock. I had filmed the scene with my smartphone back then and showed it to my mother when I arrived back home to queens.

I always considered deers to be one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

Juicy Fruit

The weather has finally begun to mimic summer temperatures lately here in Queens, New York and usually when it gets hot and humid I like to eat light.

The fruit I had bought came in handy during the weeks. I picked up these big and beautiful bag of oranges from my local Stop And Shop they were worth the $7.99 that I paid as they were flawless, sweet, and juicy. I ate the oranges ice cold. I left them in the refrigerator a few days before I began to consume them.

Along with them I had purchased some Granny Smith green apples which I also let get ice cold before eating.

Everything taste so good cold especially in the heat of the environment. When I was thirsting for something other than water I drank ice cold apple juice. All soothing and healthy to the body.


Popcorn Galore!

I just got finished popping kernels in olive oil. I love popcorn and whenever I get the taste for some I prepare it myself instead of purchasing pre-packaged.

Popcorn is a healthy snack.

I’d usually buy Bob’s Red Mill white or yellow kernels. Before that I had tried Arrowhead Mills brand.

Right now, I have in my home Jolly Time white kernels.

All of them are non gmo, vegan, or organic and the products are of excellent or outstanding quality. The popcorn smells and comes out so fresh tasting and delicious to the point where I have to pop out a couple of batches just to satisfy my appetite.

I highly recommend these three kernel snack brands as they are far better than any store bought and movie theater pre-popped popcorn.


Singer Prince And Society’s Veneration


The radio station is still continuing to celebrate The Purple Man’s life throughout the weekend since his birthday was yesterday.

People keep reminding the public that Prince didn’t celebrate his birthday because he was a Jehovah’s Witness. One female dee jay even praised Prince for having had to receive a sort of enlightenment from “above” for the instance.

I was twelve years old when I stopped celebrating my birthday and I was born with a Caul/Veil. I became a vegetarian at that age also, and I knew what life was all about back then as I avoided partaking in the so called “worldly things” of society as I had no desire to, and I’m forty-four now and have so much peace.

Many of us have already experienced revelations, have known things, and have lived accordingly to our spiritual alignments far before mainstream society became aware or fully aware of particular things, before the media reported findings or developments of certain things, and before many famous people came to know and incorporate circumstances into their own lives, yet because these people are in the limelight they receive special credit when all along there were people like us at earlier stages within our lives who were the ones to make the same discoveries.

I am not at all knocking Prince, nevertheless, I also have to mention that if Prince was a woman he would not be receiving all of this favorable attention and celebration as he had once lived a scandalous lifestyle. As sexually promiscuous and provocative as Prince was during his early days on up to the point where it eventually haunted him he would never have gotten so far with approval.

Of course, he had haters and those who weren’t fans of his just like others because everyone has their own preferences and taste, however, if Prince was female he would have been called every derogatory name in the book, and considered unacceptable to be revered in such a positive way for his talents and achievements.

If a woman behaved in the manner in which Prince did the instance would not have literally taken anything from her. She’d still have all of her faculties whether mental or physical but with the ridiculous double standard all her value would have just been focused on how many times she used her vagina and with how many different men.

To me, there is no difference because I am realistic. It is not always what someone does it is why they do what they do that justifies or excuses the situation.

I don’t care what anyone does with their body as it is of no concern to me, though, a man, in my opinion, who has many sexual escapades and encounters is not someone that is projected as maintaining his worth in comparison to a woman who is suppose to lose her’s within my eyes.

I am one who never went along with society’s bullshit and what is deemed as acceptable or appropriate.

This society is in no position and does not have the knowledge or authority to define what it is to be a woman and what contributes to her value and worth as only an individual within her own is able to define her own true identity.– miss latoya



The Purple Man

I am not at all the starstruck type, never was, and I never will be. To me individuals who are famous are just that-well known people-who are just mere human beings with popular notoriety.

The Doves are not crying as they reign in peace-miss latoya

Fame doesn’t mean greatness as there are many with talent, character, and ability, who have never been widely recognized. There are those who get too much unnecessary media attention and I don’t really understand what they’re famous for.

However, it is a dinner tempted in individuals nurtured by the hungers distributed within the “belly of the beast”.

Many get famous not by worth or accomplishment but by deed or advantage.

Some who are blessed don’t even want the fame just the fulfillment and fortune within their own natural passion and drive through answering the callings urged from the bestowals within their everyday lives.

Today is singer Prince’s birthday and as he is deceased his life is again being celebrated as a tribute to him by many.

The radio is sharing memories of him and playing many of his hits. One of my favorite songs of Prince is “Raspberry Beret”.

In my opinion, Prince had a very unique style, was very talented, and made a lot of great music.

Full Figured Women


I come from a family of women that are within all sizes. Some are petite, some are average, and some are heavy.

My relatives are native southerners rooted in Meadville Virginia (Halifax County) and they weren’t ashamed of anything. The women were strong and independent and very hard and good workers. They didn’t get vexed by nonsense and persevered through grave times.

Weight had never been an issue with the women on my mother’s side of the family they weren’t self conscious about anything concerning their bodies. And I relate to them so well within mindset.

Often in general, there is talk among and about many women as well as men who are overweight, plump, or even considered too skinny. I never understood the degree in which some individuals place themselves in as well as others.

I and the particular members of my family would neither desire nor attempt to meet anyone’s criteria of what their appearance should resemble. Approval depends on no one but us and within our own selves and to our own liking. We weren’t the type to seek out acceptance from anyone including the world around us.

I can see if ones weight is a problem due to health matters and ease of comfort and the such but for mere public opinion I don’t see it. If one is happy with oneself that is pounds enough to carry around proudly.

The heavy women in my family were literally beautiful. They kept themselves neat and clean with stern and pleasant attitudes and confidently wore their weight well.



Snack Attack Tip

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I love potato chips and cookies and cake once in a while yet I’ll only eat those within vegan and non gmo form.

The sweets have to be made on the healthy side and a homemade preparation is usually the best suitable route on desserts when it comes to optimal nutrition since one is inserting their own actual ingredients.

Nevertheless, everything within moderation and within personal tolerance is the way to go.

What I mostly enjoy snacking on above all else is fresh fruits, I love all kinds from green apples to grapes, watermelon, oranges, bananas, pineapples, honeydew melons and plenty more.

Fruit tastes delicious and is so good and beneficial to the body and I constantly incorporate these foods into my meal plan as well as a healthy snack tip to myself when I get hungry for a quick bite.




I loved Dole products, to me, they were one of the best brands out there on the market when it came to quality I had been buying their items for years.

I just bought a few containers of Dole Pina Colada juice drink the other day and I loved the taste of the beverage where there was actual strong real coconut flavor with no added sugar to the natural mix the fruits were a perfect blend.

I had tried a few other juice variety by Dole but this was my first time trying the Pina Colada. I haven’t drank Pina Colada in years as certain other brands tasted too watered down for me within the past.

Within additional categories of food I preferred to eat Dole bananas over any other type of brand, I also loved their raisins, fresh bags of salads and etc… I love their fresh pine apples that I use to buy constantly back in the early nineties.

Del Monte sold good fresh pineapples too.

I have purchased Dole and Del Monte products that were labeled Non GMO yet I have indeed read about how Dole and Del Monte were listed as one of the many companies that are geared toward anti GMO labeling and hiding GMO ingredients by intentionally misleading consumers with, of course, the “natural flavors” disguise .

In fact, companies that may surprise many of us are alleged to also be a part of the campaign in an effort not to lose money as a lot of us don’t really want any genetically modified foods within our diets.

It’s like we cannot trust nothing or too much of anything in what we eat from these companies these days even while they may falsely profess otherwise.

Hesitant it seems to just take a chance once in a while.

I’ll Pass On The Gas

I love granola bars yet it was hard for me to find ones acceptable to the ingredients that I’m finicky about eating and that was vegan.

Those in which I had come across within the past were either too sugary or not good enough within taste.

I use to love Nature’s Valley’s peanut butter, maple, and oat granola bars but they weren’t labeled as vegan even though the ingredients showed no visible indication that they weren’t, however, I wasn’t so sure about how the sugar was processed so I had stopped eating them.

Not to mention how some products are prepared with hidden content.

I not too long ago discovered a box of Kashi peanut butter vegan granola bars and was satisfied with the ingredient label.

I had read online reviews though about how nasty Kashi peanut butter granola bars had gotten upon the new recipe change and how people no longer desired the product.

I had never tasted the original recipe as I took notice of the product at a later time so I went further online to come up with what was first listed within the ingredients when the granola bars had first hit the market.

Once I found a listing of the old contents I was disappointed in the recipe and would not have chosen to buy Kashi as I didn’t prefer those other ingredients.

When I ate into the new and improved version of Kashi peanut butter granola bars I loved them!

I didn’t agree with the majority of online reviewers opinions of the now changed product.

I don’t know what they tasted like before but they weren’t hard in texture or nasty within flavor to me. They were soft and good, and delivered a satisfying peanut taste.

And I also like how they butchered the unnecessary non vegan contents that were in there prior.

I purchased and ate quite a few boxes of Kashi peanut butter granola until one day I passed a little gas after consumption and an odor shot out with the smell of a rotten hard-boiled egg.

The same thing happened with my favorite Late July brand multi-grain vegan tortilla chips. I use to eat a lot of them too until they also had me fart out a rotten egg smell.

I knew something was wrong after that and left both products alone because I don’t usually pass gas with a reek as such.

I haven’t let out a stench like that since then either.


Wow! For WowButter!


I recently wrote a post that mentioned wowbutter, a peanut butter substitute that is plant-based and how the product was good but a little runny within the consistency and that I wished the butter made from soy was thicker and stiffer.

Well I just purchased another jar of wowbutter yesterday and just opened it up today and noticed how thick and stiff the texture was and I was thrilled.

So either the product was improved or I just happened to buy a particularly oily batch last time around. It could have also been the temperature during shipping or within the supermarket that had made it runny and drippy.

Nevertheless, I spread the wowbutter on lightly toasted thin vegan slices of Dave’s Killer Organic multi-grain bread and enjoyed every bite.

I like the wowbutter better than peanut butter I love how it’s not sweet or sugary tasting. The product has its own unique similar taste, and like I said before, the soy within wowbutter has more protein than actual peanut butter making it an even healthier choice of preference.

What Is Asexual/Asexuality?

I am proud to be Asexual.

I was contacted by two online magazines a few years ago (about three years ago) as they considered my article regarding my asexuality as “powerful” and beneficial to other readers and I allowed one of them to use and publish my story. It was very nice to get that sort of recognition.

In a short summary:

As an asexual person myself I do not ,however, represent the attitudes that every or all asexuals have. I would never generalize anyone because we are all very different and have our own unique personalities, preferences, and views.

Nevertheless, us asexuals all do have a common trait. We lack a sexual interest and attraction to other people, regardless of what the sex is of the other person. Asexuality is not a form of lesbianism, homosexuality or bisexuality. Asexual means “without” sexuality.

Natural Pain And Discomfort Relief For Menstruation And Constipation


Taking a plant-derived turmeric capsule supplement is how I stopped my severe constipation years ago.

I tried Nature’s Way brand at first before using Solgars brand they both worked and were very good in aiding my bowel movement out unrestricted and with ease.

Those turmeric supplements would push me to poop just as if one would get pushed with the urgency to urinate and that had never happened to me before starting the turmeric capsules. So I knew that I was onto a correct natural method.

Aside from Turmeric helping to prevent me the burden of being constipated I had noticed the herb/spice prevented menstrual cramps and pains during my monthly period cycle.

I had already discovered MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) as a source of natural pain relief from the discomfort of menstruation but then I had Tumeric along with another prior discovery of pain relief from the probiotic strains of good bacteria within a supplement that I also took on occasions.

By taking all three for their own specific beneficial purposes within the body they each became helpful to me within other ways making them a valuable asset in my collection of vitamin selection.

I know that every individual is different and that what might work for one may not result in the same for another, however, I’ve never experienced any more of the bad period discomfort of the menstrual cramps and shooting and aching pains since taking MSM.

And it was good to know that I had natural alternative choices as back up just in case I was in need or ever ran out with the ever so wonderfully useful benefits of Turmeric, Probiotics, and MSM supplements.



Peanut, Nut Allergy, And Vegan Protein

I love peanuts I just ate a bag last night the Hampton Farms roasted in the shell brand that I’ve been eating for years. They’re a vegan, gluten-free, and non gmo product.

I also love cashews, pecans, and walnuts but I know what it’s like to love food that you can’t eat because it could result in an allergic reaction. I had to limit my intake of walnuts due to the fact of eating too many gave me a terrible back pain and nausea. I had even vomited. That happened back when I was a teenager I haven’t eaten any walnuts since.

There are those whose allergic reaction to specific foods would result in much worse of a consequence sometimes even serious enough to cause death and they have to take extra special care in watching what they eat.

For those allergic to peanuts there is a substitute all natural Wow Butter spread made from plant based ingredients. I’ve actually tried the product myself which contains absolutely no hydrogenated oils. It even has more protein than peanut butter. The only thing is I wish the consistency was a little thicker and stiffer because when I packed the butter on my toast and bread it would drip over, it’s a little bit on the runny side which makes it a little messy if not careful otherwise it is a real neat product.

I’ve listed below a notice from the company website:


WOWBUTTER Ingredients are NON-GMO Verified (https://wowbutter.com/ingredients)

From our family to yours…we are proud to produce our WOWBUTTER using only ALL NATURAL ingredients that are all derived from Non-Genetically Modified plants.

Whole Toasted Soy: The soybeans used to produce the Toasted Soy in WOWBUTTER are from identity preserved NON-Genetically Modified soybeans grown exclusively in Canada and/or the United States and are planted, harvested, transported, stored, conditioned and packaged in such a manner so as to minimize the risk of contamination from other soybean varieties. Our soybean supplier is certified with Identity Preserved Recognition Plus HACCP that ensures identity and NON-Genetically Modified preservation. In addition, all raw soybeans are tested for the presence of Genetic Modification prior to unloading at our facility using the EnviroLogix™ QuickStix™ Kit for Roundup Ready® Bulk Soybeans, which has a sensitivity of 0.1%. Any soybeans that fail the Genetic Modification strip test are rejected.

Pressed Soy Oil: The oil used in WOWBUTTER is a fully refined naturally pressed soy oil derived from Soybeans that have NOT been Genetically Modified from USA origin. We retain documentation and confirmation from our oil supplier confirming that the soy oil we purchase is NOT Genetically Modified. The supplier is certified by The NON-GMO Project that ensures identity and NON-Genetically Modified preservation.

Cane Sugar: A little cane sugar is added to compliment the natural sugar already found in Soy. The cane sugar used is derived from raw sugar cane sources and suppliers that do not grow Genetically Modified varieties. Documentation from the supplier is kept on file to indicate the NON-Genetic Modification status of the sugar.

Palm Oil: A tiny amount of Palm Oil is added to WOWBUTTER to help prevent oil separation. The origin of the palm oil that is used comes from sources that have NOT been Genetically Modified. Documentation from the supplier is kept on file to indicate the NON-Genetic Modification status of the Palm Oil. Furthermore, the palm oil is sourced sustainably from a supplier that is part of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Sea Salt: A pinch of Sea Salt is added. There is no Genetic Modification done on sea salt.

In Summary: We are committed to ensuring that all ingredients used in the production of WOWBUTTER are derived from ingredients of NON-GMO origin and that they will continue maintain the NON-GMO status. We further verify the NON-GMO status with 3rd party testing completed every 3 months for GMO’s at an accredited lab. Test results are available on our website or upon request.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Mind, Body, And Spirit

Food (any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth).

Our mind and spirit also need to be fed just as well as our bodies.

Harmonic alignment within personal environment promotes physical comfort, mental stimulation, and a spiritual peace which creates balance.

It is not about what is so-called normal as much as it is about what is healthy when going about individual well-being and how a person obtains fulfillment.

If we don’t pick out and wear the correct fit within accordance to our own specific foot size in proportion to area to breathe we just make the walk unnecessarily hard to bear.


Milk And Cereal

I just got finished eating four cups of dairy- free Silk alternative vanilla yogurt a few hours ago earlier this morning after I got home.

The product is so delicious. The vanilla beans are visibly mixed in with a satisfying flavor that doesn’t get boring.

I love the consistency of the product such a perfect smooth thick texture when stirred.

I hadn’t  purchased any in a while had to pick some up today along with a container of Silk vanilla soy milk that I ran out of to go along with my creamy wheat Bob’s Red Mill Farina that I eat at any time of the day.

Sometimes I’ll mix it with a portion of the Bob’s Red Mill Oat Bran those two hot cereals taste good cooked together over the stove blended in with a little brown sugar and ginger.





Pure Fruit Juice

There are quite a few good juices on the market to choose from.

What I look for in particular is all natural fruit/plant derived ingredients with no added sugars.

I’ve often purchased the Honest Kid’s Organic juices packs. The juice now comes in 59-ounce plastic bottles. I noticed that the ingredients to the larger size container differed a little compared to the pouches and small boxed juices.

I wanted to purchase the product but was concerned about the “natural flavors” listed on the label. So I called up the company while at the supermarket.

The representative put me on hold but was unable to give me an immediate response and I was too impatient at the time to wait to receive an email from customer service as I was ready to make a purchase.

So I went for the Apple and Eve Organics. I purchased four containers, two of the Apple and two of the orange pineapple flavors. I’ve already been purchasing their 100% apple juice for my mom.

Apple and Eve also are forthcoming and explain where their natural flavors are sourced from:

“Our Organics line of juices contains only certified organically grown fruits. The fruits in our other juices, while not organically grown, do not contain any detectable pesticide residues.

Pesticides are either not being used on the fruit we purchase or the vigorous washing and scrubbing process they receive leaves no detectable residue.

Natural flavors contain the natural essences, extractives, essential oils, distillates and proteins derived from the fruit. They do not contain MSG or any artificial ingredients”.

All of Apple and Eve’s juice are Non GMO:

“No.We do not use any ingredients that have been produced through biotechnology.”

So I felt more comfortable and confident in choosing the product and I was not at all disappointed. The juices were so delicious, especially when served icy cold.

I also love Dole brand products. Their pineapple juice is 100% natural and non gmo.