

An associate gave me a ride home this evening.

As we rode in her car, she brought up UFOs and how if they are up there in space somewhere to have peeked down here on us that they probably think us humans to be crazy.

I told her I believe in the “possibility” of aliens or extraterrestrial life on other planets.

I laughed and told her if they do think that we are crazy I understand. I also mentioned that we probably look weird to them the way they appear to us.

I concluded that they may not go around killing one another and other violent or negative things of the such that are done here on earth.

She added that the aliens do not want to come to live down here with us as they are perfectly at peace where they are at.

Well, if they truly exist they need to stay right there in space where they are at!

We both laughed then moved on with our chat.

Merry Christmas!


Because a savior was born everyone can spiritually be born again to live forever in eternal glory with our heavenly Father.  

While everyone continues to have breath within their body and wake up to see another day here on earth it is not too late for them to accept and receive Jesus if they have not already done so.  

This is the true celebration for a Merry Christmas.

Last Night: The Evening Before Christmas Eve 🎄


People were active and about last night, crowds in the stores doing last minute shopping for Christmas dinner, Christmas presents, and whatever else.

It was cold and windy out, but I braved through the brutal temperatures to pick up extra food and toiletries to cover me for the weekend.


The Best Presents Come Unwrapped


As children and even adults our parents want us to be happy. They always want the best for us.

Christmas used to be a fun, engaging time.

Back in the day the event was magnetically festive and energetic- exhibiting the true nature or spirit of what Christmas inhabited.

Many adults love to anticipate the receiving of gifts, but it is the children which served the ultimate excitement and joy.

Christmas never went by when I did not receive presents under the tree as a kid.

Despite the fact, my mother acknowledged there may come a time during Christmas when she may not be able to get me anything due to possible unpredictable events.

The day did come once, however, I was old enough where it did not matter.

We had a home that was secure, our bills were paid, we had food to eat, we had love around us, we had good health, we had God watching over us and our family members, and we had a long future to look forward to- those were the greatest gifts of all.

So, even though my mother enjoyed wrapping Christmas presents to surprise me the best presents came unwrapped, already out in the open to never be a lack thereof.


The Chimney Gave It Away!


As a child, and far before my time, parents told their children about Santa Claus as well as the tooth fairy.

The tooth fairy I never believed in as the concept made no sense.

I liked the idea and the impersonations of Santa’s at school or at the mall. The actors on television, the animations that portrayed Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Santa’s elves and Santa’s reindeer- I mean who did not love Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?

But when it came to the story of Santa Claus being real, I had my doubts.

I wanted to believe he was real as a kid; however, things just did not add up for me.

Number one, Santa was too heavy for the reindeer to carry his sleigh- and what was there to keep the reindeers able to fly up into the air?

Number two, we did not have a chimney in my family home so where was Santa Claus going to slide down?

It all sounded good for imaginary fun or entertainment, nevertheless, the notion was not easy for me to agree with even at a young age.

I decided to test what I had been told. On Christmas eve I sat up in the two front attic windows of my home before midnight. When midnight came, I did not see Santa, his sleigh, or reindeers loaded with gifts making their way over my neighbors’ rooftops.

I said to myself, “He’s not coming”, Santa Claus’s not showing up a confirmation to the doubts I already had.

After I made my way from the attic steps outside the door, my youngest aunt had said to me inside the hallway, “Toya- there isn’t any Santa Claus”.

My mother laughed when I informed her about my investigation and ended her humor with “Your nosey little butt up in that window”.

It was better for me to know the truth anyhow because it was more exciting for me as a child to have my own parents buy me gifts than to have some old guy who flew in the sky.

Break The Habit


Smoking itself is bad enough. It is even worse when a woman smokes while she is pregnant.

Some women do not mean any harm as smoking is a hard habit to break no matter how hard they try.

Nevertheless, smoking can cause serious health problems to unborn babies like heart murmurs, and so on.

Yes, some heart murmurs in young babies naturally close on their own, yet everyone is not always so lucky along with other problems such as chronic asthma and other respiratory problems that may result in life-threatening events.




I always loved grapes, but I hated raisins as a kid.

It was not until I reached my late teens that I started to like and love raisins. My tastebuds changed.

Raisins are high in fiber and aid the digestive system. They promote bowel movements as sufficiently as prunes do if not better.

I love raisins plain, I love them in oatmeal cookies, and I loved them in my Uncle Sam’s Raisin Bran before the cereal went out of the market.


Roasted Rainbow Carrots


An Italian lady that I work with fixed me a plate of organic multicolored carrots roasted in olive oil earlier in the week.

She knows that I am vegan and took it upon herself to fix me lunch.

The carrots that were in their natural shades of golden-yellow, creamy white, deep burgundy and jeweled orange tasted pretty good.

I liked the yellow carrots cooked the most.

They had a flavor like a cross between potatoes and yellow squash.

I have always been fond of fresh orange carrots. So, I am a carrot-eater in general.

It feels good to enjoy a healthy meal.

Go Ape For Grapes!


I purchased a bag of Sun World Midnight Beauty seedless black grapes yesterday evening

They were flawless, firm, juicy and delicious!

I ate the entire bag of grapes all at once in the two bunch portions that were connected to their vines.

Grapes, especially the black (deep dark purple) and red ones are a good source of resveratrol.

Polyphenols are very good for us. They operate as antioxidants which fight against free radicals to protect our cells.

Just like many other fruits, grapes have the power to protect and maintain the health of the cardiovascular and digestive system.




Water is a beverage that never gets old, outdated, or played out.

Water is vital we need this natural liquid to survive.

Yes, there is such a fact of having too much water in the bloodstream whereas it can dilute and decrease nutrients.

There are even incidents of death caused by an over-excess of water inside the body.

Most of the time these are extreme cases.

Ordinarily, we need to continue the regular habit of getting enough fluids within our system, especially water.

There are still people who do not drink adequate amounts daily or at all.

Get as much of that mouthwatering water as possible- it is essential!

Fresh And Natural


Women in general, are not nasty vessels that need to be fumigated.

I remember the commercials back in the day targeting women about “not feeling so fresh”.

The media often exaggerated or skipped over facts in order to sell a product. They never expressed the truth about how a healthy woman’s vagina is naturally cleaner than any human mouth that contains teeth and gums.

While douching is not necessary for all women as the vagina naturally cleanses itself, some women do need a little help down there depending on how their body chemistry is, or the lifestyle they live.

Of course, washing and keeping up personal hygiene is important; however, mild vaginal odors are a natural occurrence in some women at certain times. It is perfectly normal.

There are some women who carry no odor at all sometimes.

Then there are the women with very strong vaginal odors that may signify infection or plain rottenness.

Men have their situations too. A lot of them are quite musky by nature.

They sweat behind the balls (testicles) and do not always properly wipe their anus after taking a dump and reek of feces and funk.

Wholesome Fun With Food


It is a wise idea for parents to teach their children early the importance of healthy eating.

Let it be a part of bonding or a hobby when it comes to spending quality time with one another.

Whether it is shopping at the grocery, preparing recipes, or cooking meals, make eating a fun and exciting activity that outlines the benefits of what good nutrition has to offer.



Too Much Of A “Sweet/Tasty” Thing!

Many of us get a taste for something sweet once in a while if not too often.

I fall into the occasional category. I get the urge for a cookie every now and then with long intervals in between.

I even want a piece of cake once in a while but yet to have found one on the market desirable to my choice of ingredients.

Either there is too much sugar, grams of fat, the wrong types of fat, or the product is not vegan suitable, and so on.

Of course, I could make my own cake, however, I am not interested in baking desserts like I used to years ago.

I do not mind baking some delicious cornbread though!

There is nothing wrong with indulging in the pleasure of succulent pastries.

The problem is that we tend to overeat the foods we enjoy the most or that we cannot get enough of once we start to consume them.

Everything should be in moderation we are constantly told, nevertheless, the idea of moderation is disregarded when what tastes good overpowers the portions that are within our limits for the moment.

All it really takes is discipline for those who find it difficult to refrain.





Soymilk And Cookies

I have been drinking vanilla soymilk as well as cooking plain soymilk with my oat bran when I get into the mood.

What I love about the vanilla soymilk is that it tastes like a health shake. Delicious, clean, and refreshing.

A lady I work with thought about me and brought me back a box of vegan coconut/oatmeal cookies the other day.

I had mentioned the item to her- how I had not had any of the cookies in a while- and when she returned from shopping at the grocery, she handed me the box of Steve and Andy’s organic coconut oatmeal cookies!

Onions And Garlic


I love onions. They are so strong within smell and taste. Powerful enough to literally bring tears to our eyes while we slice and handle them.

This pungent vegetable has always been a favorite of mine whether eaten raw or cooked. Onions bring out a distinct flavor along with garlic.

I love red onions in my salad. Biting into the crunchiness of the flesh causes a natural tingle and sting that indicates how potent the onions are.

When I swallow red onions a burning sensation flows through my nostrils, sometimes so bad that I have to pause before continuing to eat them.

Garlic burns too, and I love it!

The harsh tingles are nature’s release of inherent nutrients, purifiers, and restoration properties in action. They stimulate to take affect within the body.

Onions and garlic contribute highly to good health and well-being.

My grandfather used to make natural tonics- from onions that worked to knock out the common cold virus quickly. He grew up in the south, learning how to use herbs, spices, and vegetables as healing remedies from his grandmother.

Onion rings were an appetizer I once enjoyed but cut out due to it not being wise to make a habit out of eating fried foods.

When it comes to the spicy vegetable garlic, I use the contents of the bulb on just about everything!

Garlic also works as a beneficial antibiotic. I substituted garlic capsules for one of my dogs years ago until I was able to bring her to the vet to get her some amoxicillin. The garlic had really helped my dog out a lot.