


Pine is one of nature’s natural delights.

Pine sol was a cleaning agent popular in my home growing up.



It is especially good for shining and use on wood aside from disinfecting other surfaces.

I enjoy cleaning with pine and I love the fresh smell it gives off, especially the lemon scented fragrance.




Everybody Needs A Break


I used to be on the go constantly at a time in my life not so long ago.

I have been to and have seen the loveliest places, homes, and attractions.

Pleasant visual outlooks have a positive emotional and mental impact amid the highlight of accounts experienced.

Environment is crucial.

As individuals, atmosphere is very important to the energy that surrounds us- or that can surround us.

Change is beneficial to our health of mind, state of being, and soul or spirit.

There is so much beauty within the serenity of nature.

Taking in scenery- inhaling breaths of fresh air.

It is vital to go places even if not too often- depending on the opportunity or scheduling one has.

Whether taking a trip around the world  (overseas), around the states, or around the areas of local to distant vicinities around and within one’s own hometown- it is always fabulous to get away.





An associate gave me a ride home this evening.

As we rode in her car, she brought up UFOs and how if they are up there in space somewhere to have peeked down here on us that they probably think us humans to be crazy.

I told her I believe in the “possibility” of aliens or extraterrestrial life on other planets.

I laughed and told her if they do think that we are crazy I understand. I also mentioned that we probably look weird to them the way they appear to us.

I concluded that they may not go around killing one another and other violent or negative things of the such that are done here on earth.

She added that the aliens do not want to come to live down here with us as they are perfectly at peace where they are at.

Well, if they truly exist they need to stay right there in space where they are at!

We both laughed then moved on with our chat.

Fresh And Natural


Women in general, are not nasty vessels that need to be fumigated.

I remember the commercials back in the day targeting women about “not feeling so fresh”.

The media often exaggerated or skipped over facts in order to sell a product. They never expressed the truth about how a healthy woman’s vagina is naturally cleaner than any human mouth that contains teeth and gums.

While douching is not necessary for all women as the vagina naturally cleanses itself, some women do need a little help down there depending on how their body chemistry is, or the lifestyle they live.

Of course, washing and keeping up personal hygiene is important; however, mild vaginal odors are a natural occurrence in some women at certain times. It is perfectly normal.

There are some women who carry no odor at all sometimes.

Then there are the women with very strong vaginal odors that may signify infection or plain rottenness.

Men have their situations too. A lot of them are quite musky by nature.

They sweat behind the balls (testicles) and do not always properly wipe their anus after taking a dump and reek of feces and funk.