Oh, Back Then!


I have wonderful memories of back in the day. People were even different than they are today.

Times have changed drastically. Things are nowhere near as they used to be.

I am glad I had a good childhood and grew up during the time/decade that I did.

I was born in the 70’s, came up in the early eighties to being able to leave our doors unlocked in the spring and summertime when us children would and could stay out all day long running/playing around our neighborhood without a care in the world.

Going back and forth to the store to buy goodies, going back and forth in and out of the house for whatever activity or sport we had come up with, or planned. Whether we had to get or take our bikes, hula-hoops, jump ropes, a bathroom break, a drink of water and whatever else tickled our fancy.

And to speak about getting water, us children used to take short cuts just to head to the backyard to splash and drink from the water hose!

Our parents did not constantly have to keep an eye on us- we ran free.

None of us were in danger of violence or any violent act happening, or committed upon us.

We knew to be cautious or careful, in general, but our lives were never in danger as are today with stray bullets flying, assaults, kidnappings, and the such.

All we worried about was not missing out on all our fun, having enough money to catch the ice cream truck on time when he came around, and hoping not to get called in the house too early after nightfall.

We loved to get the chance to stay out until 10pm or a little later enjoying those innocent fun-filled summer nights!


Crunchy Cucumbers


My goodness!

I am a loyal life-long fan of cucumbers.

During my early youth I would go into our family backyard to where my grandmother planted her own fresh fruit and vegetables.

The cucumbers from her crops used to be large, wide, and crisp!

I would peel them, sprinkle salt on them, and eat them whole holding them inside the palm of my little hands.

Cucumbers are delicious sliced or chopped up in salads and they are super delicious within their pickled state.

The nutritional value of cucumbers is also fantastic. They are excellent for hydration as they naturally contain water as many fruits and vegetables do.

Cucumbers are good for the digestive system and they contain antioxidants.



The Best Presents Come Unwrapped


As children and even adults our parents want us to be happy. They always want the best for us.

Christmas used to be a fun, engaging time.

Back in the day the event was magnetically festive and energetic- exhibiting the true nature or spirit of what Christmas inhabited.

Many adults love to anticipate the receiving of gifts, but it is the children which served the ultimate excitement and joy.

Christmas never went by when I did not receive presents under the tree as a kid.

Despite the fact, my mother acknowledged there may come a time during Christmas when she may not be able to get me anything due to possible unpredictable events.

The day did come once, however, I was old enough where it did not matter.

We had a home that was secure, our bills were paid, we had food to eat, we had love around us, we had good health, we had God watching over us and our family members, and we had a long future to look forward to- those were the greatest gifts of all.

So, even though my mother enjoyed wrapping Christmas presents to surprise me the best presents came unwrapped, already out in the open to never be a lack thereof.


The Chimney Gave It Away!


As a child, and far before my time, parents told their children about Santa Claus as well as the tooth fairy.

The tooth fairy I never believed in as the concept made no sense.

I liked the idea and the impersonations of Santa’s at school or at the mall. The actors on television, the animations that portrayed Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Santa’s elves and Santa’s reindeer- I mean who did not love Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?

But when it came to the story of Santa Claus being real, I had my doubts.

I wanted to believe he was real as a kid; however, things just did not add up for me.

Number one, Santa was too heavy for the reindeer to carry his sleigh- and what was there to keep the reindeers able to fly up into the air?

Number two, we did not have a chimney in my family home so where was Santa Claus going to slide down?

It all sounded good for imaginary fun or entertainment, nevertheless, the notion was not easy for me to agree with even at a young age.

I decided to test what I had been told. On Christmas eve I sat up in the two front attic windows of my home before midnight. When midnight came, I did not see Santa, his sleigh, or reindeers loaded with gifts making their way over my neighbors’ rooftops.

I said to myself, “He’s not coming”, Santa Claus’s not showing up a confirmation to the doubts I already had.

After I made my way from the attic steps outside the door, my youngest aunt had said to me inside the hallway, “Toya- there isn’t any Santa Claus”.

My mother laughed when I informed her about my investigation and ended her humor with “Your nosey little butt up in that window”.

It was better for me to know the truth anyhow because it was more exciting for me as a child to have my own parents buy me gifts than to have some old guy who flew in the sky.