

Laughter is indeed the best medicine. A remedy to many situations.

I am talking about genuine amusement and lightheartedness.

Not an act of charade or a phony display of spiritedness.

I come from a family of naturally humorous people and we never tried to be funny.

Of course, what is comical to one or a few is not comical to all as everyone has their own individuality.

Yet, we were one’s who could see and find the humor within the most so called tragic of situations.

We also viewed the brighter, meaningful side of things realistically.

There was literally never a day that went by where my mother and I never laughed or joked around with one another.

Our family members made us laugh, we even laughed at ourselves.

There is a difference between being silly and having a healthy sense of humor.

Mindless, foolish, stupidity is not my idea of hilarity. It is just pure nonsense.

It is very important to not take things too seriously, but know what to take serious if it applies.

Have fun when one can. Enjoy life in the way that appeals to one.

Never let anyone or anything steal away the joy one has inside.




Oral Care


I am sure that most people would like to keep all of their teeth intact and in their mouths for as long as possible.

Truth is, as we age some of our teeth may decay, need to be pulled or may need reconstruction.

Everyone is different, an individual’s dental health can depend on other factors besides simple oral care.

Some people’s dental conditions are a result of genetics.

Of course, brushing one’s teeth regularly at least twice a day with a good toothpaste containing stannous fluoride (I use Colgate Total), flossing, and visiting the dentist on a regular basis helps to keep our teeth and gums in shape.


Some have to beware, though. There are dentists out there who will mess up one’s teeth and cause problems with one’s mouth just to keep an individual coming back to their offices for them to do unnecessary dental work and make extra money.

I had not been to the dentists since I was nine years of age (I am in my forties now) before I returned to one last year to get a cleaning and some plaque removed.

And, my teeth are still within good shape.

I just went back two weeks ago to get another cleaning with the dental hygienist and I will return in another six months.

I took care of my teeth as best I could on my own- and eating habits have a lot to do with our oral health also.

The way for us to keep our teeth and gums strong, healthy, and the teeth in our mouths for as long as we can is to get plenty of natural vitamin C.


Dr. Stephanie V Blank, MD

Dr. Stephanie Blank, MD

My mother beat ovarian cancer years ago when I was three years old. She was carrying a malignant growth on one of her ovaries while she was pregnant with me. She had the mass that was the size of an orange successfully removed without any complications.

The doctors found a growth on one of my ovaries when I was sixteen it had been developing since I was twelve. I underwent plenty of tests, referrals, and so on.

When I turned twenty-three I was introduced to Dr. Stephanie Blank who performed an exploratory laparoscopy on me to locate the mass they’d found on ultrasounds, MRI’s, and CT scans. She told me if they went in and found the growth she’d give me a bikini cut because I was young and she wanted the procedure to be done correctly and thoroughly so I wouldn’t have to undergo anymore possible surgery within the future or be butchered up.

She was very caring, considerate, and thoughtful toward me and my situation. I was strong within myself, confident within her ability, and not at all afraid to have my operation.

I was surrounded by a team of professional women and a camera and big television screen all there and ready to aide Dr. Blank in the preparation and process and I thought to myself how lucky I was to be in such good hands. I could feel the essence.

When I awoke in the recovery room first thing I did was vomit up food from the day before even though I hadn’t ate over the time I was instructed not to prior. I had an intravenous tube still in my arm. I found out that Dr. Blank wasn’t able to find the mass so I didn’t have to be cut on after all just the small unnoticeable incision made by the exploratory laparoscopy right near my belly button.

I was absolutely left without any scars and I was given a prescription for antibiotics and Tylenol with codeine upon release from the hospital.

I had one more doctor visit with Stephanie Blank following up on the minor surgical procedure and afterwards a telephone conversation where she acknowledged to me that she had given birth to a “beautiful baby boy” as she had put it and that she was going into her own medical practice.

All of the best doctors end up leaving and going into their own and I was proud of her as she was an inspiration.

This happened back in June of 1997 at New York Presbyterian Hospital Cornell in Manhattan. Stephanie Blank’s specialty is gynecologic oncology.

Stephanie V Blank:
PROFESSOR | Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science

Full Figured Women


I come from a family of women that are within all sizes. Some are petite, some are average, and some are heavy.

My relatives are native southerners rooted in Meadville Virginia (Halifax County) and they weren’t ashamed of anything. The women were strong and independent and very hard and good workers. They didn’t get vexed by nonsense and persevered through grave times.

Weight had never been an issue with the women on my mother’s side of the family they weren’t self conscious about anything concerning their bodies. And I relate to them so well within mindset.

Often in general, there is talk among and about many women as well as men who are overweight, plump, or even considered too skinny. I never understood the degree in which some individuals place themselves in as well as others.

I and the particular members of my family would neither desire nor attempt to meet anyone’s criteria of what their appearance should resemble. Approval depends on no one but us and within our own selves and to our own liking. We weren’t the type to seek out acceptance from anyone including the world around us.

I can see if ones weight is a problem due to health matters and ease of comfort and the such but for mere public opinion I don’t see it. If one is happy with oneself that is pounds enough to carry around proudly.

The heavy women in my family were literally beautiful. They kept themselves neat and clean with stern and pleasant attitudes and confidently wore their weight well.



Just One Of Those Things

For the most part, and in general, if one treats their body right their body will in return do unto them the same wonderful favor, and depending on how well, one may often receive the most optimal of health benefits.

In certain instances, however, there are those that heavily drink alcohol, heavily smoke, and don’t eat nutritionally that live on to have long fair (mediocre, okay, or so-so) lives without any serious health conditions. Whereas those who make a significant effort to take care of themselves sometimes fall short when it comes to major health problems and living great yet shorter lives.

For some, the circumstances are determined by genetics, environment, injury, health insurance, or fate-just a form of good or bad luck it seems when it comes to the unexplainable.