How We Consume Does A Body Good Or Bad


Everything that may smell good, look good, or taste good may not be good for one to consume.

The same goes for in dealing with people but, that is another story.

One may be busy on the run, get hungry, or need to eat.

It may be too hot to cook, one may be tired, or even just a bit lazy.

Whatever the reason it is perfectly normal.

One may just want to order out, desire some fast food or stick some packaged frozen cuisine in a microwave, saucepan, or conventional oven and eat.


The only thing is these foods whether from a restaurant or our local supermarket may not offer the best ingredients or are prepared in ways that are not suitable to our health.

There may be excess sugar, sodium, fat, artificial flavorings, chemicals and so on.

One just has to be careful in deciding on what to purchase and consume when it comes to eat-out and take out.

There are healthier options out there nowadays, although these type of stores or restaurants may not always be within a location near to us.

Nevertheless, if we’re going to eat certain fast foods do it in moderation and with precaution.

What we may take for granted early on with our health and body could affect us later on in the long run.

No one wants that.


Oral Care


I am sure that most people would like to keep all of their teeth intact and in their mouths for as long as possible.

Truth is, as we age some of our teeth may decay, need to be pulled or may need reconstruction.

Everyone is different, an individual’s dental health can depend on other factors besides simple oral care.

Some people’s dental conditions are a result of genetics.

Of course, brushing one’s teeth regularly at least twice a day with a good toothpaste containing stannous fluoride (I use Colgate Total), flossing, and visiting the dentist on a regular basis helps to keep our teeth and gums in shape.


Some have to beware, though. There are dentists out there who will mess up one’s teeth and cause problems with one’s mouth just to keep an individual coming back to their offices for them to do unnecessary dental work and make extra money.

I had not been to the dentists since I was nine years of age (I am in my forties now) before I returned to one last year to get a cleaning and some plaque removed.

And, my teeth are still within good shape.

I just went back two weeks ago to get another cleaning with the dental hygienist and I will return in another six months.

I took care of my teeth as best I could on my own- and eating habits have a lot to do with our oral health also.

The way for us to keep our teeth and gums strong, healthy, and the teeth in our mouths for as long as we can is to get plenty of natural vitamin C.